GA Release - May 2019
The list below represents the features, updates, and fixes included in the Orbita Voice GA Release for May 2019.
When uploading data from a CSV file, the special characters ^()_{}[]":;><| are excluded from the topics and relationships and then imported to Experience Manager.
An Admin user can now select an Existing Topic while creating a Related Topic.
Modified the auto-generate slot name from TERMS to TOPICS.
To know more about Answers, refer
Experience Manager
Included the DateTime picker to Surveys and Flow studio which can be used in the chatbot.
Orbita Global menu is restructured.
Minor theme changes.
The Built-in Analytics of the selected Skill usage metrics for None/Fallback Intent is made available for the Admin users
General Improvements
Text from the voice tab in the multimodal content editor will be retained when removing the uploaded audio file twice.
Removal of break tags in the multimodal content editor now will not remove the text present in it.
Auto-generate slot checkbox while creating/editing the Flow Studio project will now retain user input.
Engineering Notes
Additional technical information can be found in the Engineering Notes for each of the builds included in the May 2019 GA Release.