GA Release - November 2018

The list below represents the features, updates, and fixes included in the Orbita Voice GA Release for November 2018.

Orbita Voice - Surveys
Now users can create surveys without having to manually create corresponding intents, slots, utterances to support those surveys.

Previously, users needed to update the interaction model (intents, slots, and utterances) to support a survey. For example, if you had a survey that asked the question "In what area of your arm are you currently experiencing pain? 1. Upper Arm, 2. Lower Arm", the user would previously need to create a slot with values "Upper Arm" and "Lower Arm."

Currently, when a user creates/updates survey questions with choices or buttons, then a slot with the text added as part of choices or buttons will be created/updated as slot values.
Slots created through this process will be associated with the Orbita default intent named OrbitaSurveyMessages (Intent named will be changed to the format ORBITA.<Intent Name> in the future release)

For more information, see

Orbita Voice - Custom Utterances for Built-in Intents
Previously, Experience Manager users could not extend the list of utterances associated with a built-in intent. In the November GA Release, users can customize the utterances associated with a built-in intent. For example, a user can now associate the utterance “Please give me assistance” to the Orbita.HELP intent. Previously this wasn’t possible because of Orbita.HELP was a built-in intent.

Orbita Voice - New icons in text editors for the bulleted list, numbered list
The rich text and SSML editor now include the ability to structure text using ordered and unordered lists. Ordered list items are prefixed with a number. Unordered list items are prefixed with a bullet point.

Orbita Voice - REST API available for managing Intents/Slots/Utterance
Developers can now manage a project’s interaction model using the REST API.

Orbita Voice – Experience Designer - Search Node

For more information, see