How do I configure Chatbot
- 1 Chatbot Endpoint setup
- 1.1 http in Nodes
- 1.1.1 appSettings for Mobile/web (optional)
- 1.1.2 Mobile Chatbot URL
- 1.1.3 Web Chatbot URL
- 1.1.4 Bot Listener
- 1.2 Bot Provider V2
- 1.3 Bot View Template
- 1.4 App Settings
- 1.5 http out Node
- 1.1 http in Nodes
- 2 Deployment to Google
- 3 Testing the web chatbot endpoint
- 4 Customizing your chatbot
- 4.1 Environment level
- 4.2 Project level
- 4.3 Chatbot endpoint level
- 4.4 Custom CSS
- 4.5 Custom JS
- 5 Obtaining the client ID and client secret
Chatbot Endpoint setup
Create a flow using as shown below in Experience Designer.
http in Nodes
appSettings for Mobile/web (optional)
Enter the following values in the fields:
Method. GET
URL. /appsettings
Name. App Settings for Mobile
Mobile Chatbot URL
Enter the following values in the fields:
Method. POST
URL. Enter the web chatbot URI. Default value is /bot/mobile
Name. Mobile Chatbot URL
Web Chatbot URL
Enter the following values in the fields:
Method. POST
URL. Enter the web chatbot URI. Default value is /bot/web
Name. Web Chatbot URL
Bot Listener
Enter the following values in the fields:
Method. GET
URL. Enter the web chatbot URI. Default value is /bot/web
Name. Bot Listener
Bot Provider V2
Bot provider V2 node is named Web Chat Bot in the example flow.
Please refer to Bot Provider V2 node for more information on this node.
Bot View Template
You can customize the Chatbot view using the Bot view template node, named Web Chatbot Template, in the flow. To use the default web chatbot view, leave the Custom CSS and Custom JS fields blank. For more information on the node, see Bot view template node
The URLs in both http in nodes (in Web Chatbot URL node and Bot Listener node) and the bot view template node should be the same.
App Settings
The function node is named App Settings. Place the following code in the function node.
msg.payload = {
speechToText : "google",
headerLogo : "",
waitTime : 4000,
offlineMessage : 'You lost your Internet connectivity'
onlineMessage : 'You are online',
supportedLanguage : [
return msg;
speechToText. Defines the Speech-to-Text converter to be used by the chatbot application and it takes values such as native, default, and google.
headerLogo. Specifies an image file to show it in the chatbot.
waitTime. Defines the time (in milliseconds) the bot waits before showing the next bubble. Also, see How do I delay delivering bubbles in Chatbot using waitTime?
offlineMessage. The message that is displayed when you are offline. You cannot do any action in the chatbot when offline.
onlineMessage. The message that is displayed when you are back online.
Documents related to App Settings:
How do I use the Banner directive?
How do I override the global settings in chatbot?
How to modify the Main menu of the chatbot
How do I add a wait indicator to my chat bot?
http out Node
The http out node is named Chatbot Output.
The default endpoint URI is /bot/web. You can have more than one endpoint per instance provided the endpoint URIs are different.
Deployment to Google
To deploy the flow to google dialog flow and get the web chatbot running, follow these steps.
Login to Experience Manager.
Select the project that you want to deploy.
Select Deployment.
Open the Google tab and click Publish.
For more information, see
Also, see How to create an agent and link accounts in Google Dialogflow
Testing the web chatbot endpoint
If you want to enable chatbot in and if you give /bot/testdoc in the URL field, you can access the chatbot using the URL
Customizing your chatbot
You can customize the Chatbot in 3 different places:
Environment level
Go to Experience Manager > Global Menu > Settings > Organization > Application settings. You can see Chatbot Custom CSS and Chatbot Custom JS. Style changes here affect all the chatbot endpoints in that environment.
Project level
At the project level, you can use the Chatbot settings to customize your chatbot. Chatbot Settings.
Go to Project side menu > Develop > Chatbot settings > Custom CSS/JS.
Chatbot endpoint level
Any style changes used in the Bot view template node in Experience Designer are limited to that endpoint. Select the Custom CSS or Custom JS tab and start customizing.
Custom CSS
Using Custom CSS, you can override the current style of the chatbot. The following code samples show some of the frequently used properties.
Example: Change image attributes
If the chat bubble contains an image and if you want to change attributes of the image you can use the following code.
/*image bubble*/
.msg a{
float : right !important;
color : #6629B7;
line-height : 35px;
.msg a img{
float : left !important;
width : 50px !important;
Example: Customize the color of the user bubble
For changing the color of the user bubble, you can use the following code.
/*User Bubble Background changes */
.self .msg {
background : #6629B7 !important;
Example: Change button style
If your chat bubble contains buttons, you can change the styles of buttons with the following code.
Example: Change scroll bar style
You can change the scroll bar style of the entire chatbot using the following code.
Example: Add your own logo
You can display your own logo on the chatbot using the following code.
Remove the cross sign on the banner on the Dock view chatbot
For the Dock view chatbot, the chatbot user will have a cross sign to remove the banner.
The below code will remove the cross sign from the banner.
Custom JS
Custom JS code is executed after the Chatbot is rendered on the page. The following sample code shows a custom alert message when you click on the key in the chatbot.
Obtaining the client ID and client secret
The site must be registered in the Experience Manager to get the client ID and client secret.
You can use the Client ID and Client Secret in the Web Chatbot to integrate it with Orbita.
Login to Experience Manager.
Click on the menu, at the top right corner of the web page, to get a drop-down menu.
In the drop-down menu, select Settings > Register Application.
Fill in the required details such as Name, Description, Reference URI, Website, and Organization Name. Check the Accept the terms and conditions and click Save. A list of registered applications appears on the page.
Select the registered application for which the Client ID and secret are needed. The details of the registered application appear on this page.
Click Edit. Scroll down and select the Browser Key tab.
Enter the Domain name of the website where you wanted to integrate the Chatbot.
Click Get Key. The Client Id and Client Secret appear.