How to permanently delete a user from Orbita

How to permanently delete a user from Orbita

Deleting own account permanently

You can delete your profile permanently from orbita by navigating to the profile options (click your name on the top right corner of the Experience Manager home screen)

In the INFO tab, select the DELETE ACCOUNT button.

Click OK when prompted with a confirmation dialog.

Give your login details as the final confirmation and click DELETE.

Your profile is now successfully deleted from the environment.

Deleting users using API

As an admin user, you can delete a user permanently from Orbita using the APIs.

For advanced users only.


  1. Postman application

  2. Admin login credentials to the environment

  3. Familiarity using APIs. Refer,How do I use Rest APIs?.

Log in as Admin user

  1. Use the login API (Method: POST) to login to the environment https://<domain>.orbita.cloud:8443/api/login.

  2. In the Headers tab, add the Key as Content-Type and the Value as application/json.


  3. In the Body tab, use the adminā€™s username and password and click ā€œSendā€.

    { Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "username":"example@orbita.com", Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "password":"Password@123" }
  4. You will receive a token in the response body.

  5. Copy the token for later use. Best way is to add the token to the environment variables.


Getting the User ID

User ID of the user from Experience Manager

You can get the User ID from the Experience Manager.

  1. Go to Experience Manager > Global Settings and User profile menu > Users.


  2. Select the user you would like to delete permanently from the list of users.
    In the URL of the web browser, you will get the User ID as shown below.


User ID of the user that is already deleted from Experience Manager.

If you have deleted the user in Experience Manager (soft delete), you cannot view the user in the User list in Experience Manager but the user is still available in the database.

  1. Use the Search User API (Method: POST) https://<domain>.orbita.cloud:8443/api/users/search

  2. In the Headers tab, add the Key as Content-Type and the Value as application/json.
    Add another Key as Authorization and set the Value as Bearer <token>


  3. In the Body tab, use the query parameter to search.

    { "query": { "username":"signupuser1@example.com" } }


  4. You will receive a response body as shown below.
    The value of _id property is the user id.


Delete the user

  1. Use the Delete API (Method: DELETE) to delete the user https://<domain>.orbita.cloud:8443/api/users/<userid>?force=<true/false>.
    For hard delete - force=true.
    For soft delete - force=false.

  2. In the Headers tab, add the Key as Content-Type and the Value as application/json.
    Add another Key as Authorization and set the Value as Bearer <token>


  3. You will get an empty body in the response with code 204.


You have successfully deleted the user.

Sample Postman Collection

Ā  File Modified

File Delete user permanently.postman_collection.json

Apr 02, 2021 by Rajkiran Alla

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