Chatbot Settings
Chatbot Settings enable you to control some of the customizable chatbot features such as setting waitTime between bubbles, loading the chatbot from the bottom or top, changing the banner content, customizing the menu options, and so on.
You can change the Chatbot Settings at the Project side menu > Develop > Chatbot settings.
We have the option to add multiple Bot settings. Default Bot settings will be created in the project and cannot be deleted or edited. The default bot settings will have the Orbita tag on it. The User can create custom Bot settings, which can be deleted. It is advised to name the Bot settings title with Alphanumeric characters only.
All the properties listed below should be used under the appSettings
For example, to change waitTime to 250 ms, you have to use "waitTime": 250
as shown below.
On the Chatbot settings page, If any default property is deleted, it will be restored.
To restore all the default properties, you have to use an empty object {}
and save it.
When changing the Relative path to Absolute path in the Settings tab for properties like the {{settings.header.logoUrl}}
, please remove the {{cdnpath}}
property added to the src='{{cdnpath}}{{settings.header/logoUrl}}'
in the Template tab also.
The HTML template for the v3 chatbot should be provided in the Template header in Chatbot Settings, which will help in rendering the bot on the web page.
The properties from the Settings tab can be accessed in Template. Example:
By default, the handlebar built-in functions are supported. Example: using If conditions for DOM elements.The bot will render inside the chatWindow element and all the styles are applied based on chatWindow element id (scoped styles). In case if you want to change the element id ‘chatWindow’ please make appropriate changes in the styles.
<div class='orbita chat-container' id='chatWindow'>
The CDN path is defined as{{version}}/{{}}
For sample:
For existing customers,
1. The contents from the settings tab in the Bot view template node takes higher priority.
2. Delete the contents of the settings tab in the Bot view template in Experience Designer, to load the Chatbot Settings for that project.
For new customers, by default, the Chatbot settings will be loaded for the project.
Settings Properties
Property | Description |
| This property defines the size of the content to display in the Accordion of the Card Directive. The number represents the number of lines to display |
| Defines the Speech-to-Text converter to be used by the chatbot application and it takes values such as native, default, and google. |
| Defines if the Speaker icon should be visible in the Bot UI. False, will remove the Speaker icon. True, will display the Speaker, enabling the user to mute/ unmute. |
| Defines if the Bot should load in Peek View on the host page. |
| When false, the chatbot's focus remains on the action item unless manual input is made. If true, the focus is automatically managed. |
| Defines the Speech-to-Text language to be used by the chatbot application. |
| Defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) the bot waits before showing the next bubble. Also, see How do I delay delivering bubbles in Chatbot using waitTime? |
| Setting this property to Setting this property to |
(for buttons) | This property defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) the loading animation renders the buttons in the chatbot. The animation time will kick in only when the chatbot’s scroll is visible i.e; when the chat bubbles occupy/fill the entirechatbot window. The animation time is calculated based on the |
| When this property value is set to true, the chat bubbles are loaded from the top of the chatbot first. |
| When this property value is set to true. The options displayed to the chatbot user will be visible highlighting the option chosen by the user. |
| This property introduces dynamic wait time based on the text in the previous chat bubble.
More information at How do I delay delivering bubbles in Chatbot using waitTime? |
| When you click the logout button, the utterance set in this property will be passed to the server. |
| This URL will be called when the chatbot user clicks on the logout button. |
| You can rename the logout button using this property |
| The text passed in this property is displayed in the keyboard input box. |
| Defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) the chatbot waits before saying the reprompt question. You can use the reprompt wait time by assigning a value greater than zero.
Note: Reprompt works only if the original question is not answered yet. |
| The message that is displayed when the chatbot user is offline. You cannot do any action in the chatbot when offline. |
| The message that is displayed when the chatbot user is back online. |
| The message can hold HTML links, content for the banner. |
| Peek View is a new feature for ChatBot V3. The virtual assistant appears to be partially open and some of the messages get displayed. The Peek view changes to the Dock view after the user interacts with the buttons/input elements, and the interaction continues. Peek view support is offered for monitors, tablets, and mobile devices.
Peek view and subsequent full Bot view |
| Defines the Host domain of the Chatbot. This property will help us use assets, and define CSS from the hosting page in our Template tab. |
"welcomeMessage": {
"value": "HTML content"
| Defines the content to show in the Header section. This can bare HTML content, Text, emoticons etc. This is specific to V3 Bot. |
| Defines the Bot Avatar image location. By default it loads the Orbita Logo using the CDN relative path, |