How do I add a security Pin fields to persona?

Requiring a user to speak a valid Security PIN before accessing a voice application helps prevent unauthorized access to user data. For example, before accessing private information such as personal health information, you might want to require your users to speak a private security pin to ensure that only they have access to this information.

As a developer, to enable the feature, you must first:

  1. Add a Security PIN Field to the user persona who will be required to provide security PINs

  2. Add a Security PIN Interval to the same user persona

  3. Configure your Flow within Experience Designer

This KB Article covers items 1 & 2.

Including a security PIN as part of a user’s record requires that the persona for that user (i.e. Administrator, Advocate Caregiver) have two fields in its Schema:

  • securityPin: a numeric code of a defined number of digits

  • securityPinInterval: the amount of time a user will have to interact with the voice app before the user must respeak the Security PIN.

For this example, let’s assume we are adding the Security PIN fields to the Advocate persona.

To add the securityPIN:

  1. Log in as an Administrator to the Experience Manager

  2. Click User Management and then Personas

  3. Click Advocate in the middle panel
    Doing so opens the Advocate definition in the right-most panel.

  4. Click the Hamburger menu in the lower right-hand column, then click the Pencil

  5. Scroll to the bottom. Open a line above the right bracket (]) and enter the following

    { "label" : "Security Pin", "key" : "securityPin", "isDefault" : true, "validation" : [ { "pattern" : "[0-9]{4}" }, { "maxlength" : 4 }, { "minlength" : 4 } ], "options" : [], "fieldType" : "text", "type" : "String" }, { "label" : "Security Pin Lock in minutes", "key" : "securityPinInterval", "isDefault" : true, "options" : [], "ref" : "", "fieldType" : "text", "type" : "Number" }
  6. Click the Check icon when you are done to save your changes

Editing Tip

You can copy the code from above and paste it into the Schema edit panel. You can also use an online JSON editor, such as, to create your JSON code. It will help ensure your JSON is well-formed. When you are done, you can copy and paste it from the editor into the Schema edit panel.

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