What is the difference between an Amazon Alexa Beta Skill and a Public Skill?


Orbita can guide you through the process of using the Orbita Voice Assistant for your beta skill by controlling access to your beta skill. After a skill is published to the Amazon Skill Store, you control access to the skill. The Amazon Skill Store approach can scale as you expand the number of residents in the pilot.

Both of the following processes assume the resident already has an Amazon Echo device configured and needs only to enable the skill. Only residents with valid account credentials are able to access the skill. From a security perspective, there is no difference between deploying a skill through the beta process or through the Amazon Skill Store.

Beta Skill Process

Orbita controls access with the beta skill. You must contact Orbita to make changes to the skill, such as adding a new resident into the pilot; or if an individual leaves the pilot, removing the resident from the beta skill.

Deployment through the Beta Skill

  1. The client submits a request to Orbita, Inc. asking Orbita, Inc. to grant the new resident access to the client beta skill.

  2. Orbita, Inc. creates the resident account.

  3. Orbita, Inc. adds the resident account to client beta skill.

  4. Orbita, Inc. emails an invitation link to join the client beta skill to the resident.

  5. The resident (or someone acting on behalf of the resident) clicks the email link to accept and join the client beta skill.

  6. The resident (or someone assisting) enables the skill and authenticates using account credentials from Step 2.

Public Skill Process

You control the access after the skill is available on the Amazon Skill Store. To add a new resident into the pilot, you create a new account within the Experience Manager, using the web interface. You also can remove an account if an individual leaves the pilot, using the Experience Manager.

Deployment through the Amazon Skill Store

  1. The client creates a new resident account in Orbita Voice.

  2. The resident (or someone helping) installs the client skill from the Amazon Skill Store.

  3. Resident (or helper) enables the skill and authenticates using account credentials from Step

Additional Resources

Amazon Sources

Non-Amazon sources

  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document Orbita-KB-Alexa-Beta-Skill-vs-Public-Skill.docx

Nov 05, 2019 by Rajkiran Alla

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