How do I use Free Text input in Flow Studio?

How do I use Free Text input in Flow Studio?

Orbita introduces a Free Text input field in a Chatbot. You can type any text in this input field, which will not be processed by the natural language processor (NLP).

You might want to take feedback or suggestion from the chatbot user. These responses from the user should skip the NLP and handled separately.

Sample flow:




The Free Text input option is available in the Single Input control of Flow studio.

  1. Open the Directive tab in Single Input control.

  2. Select Textbox in the Input Type dropdown.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Choose the input type option: Hidden, Single Line, Multi Line


The Free Text input will not work with Alexa, it will work with voice-based phone applications and Chatbots. The same is displayed in the warning text.

Input Options:

  1. Keyboard checked and selecting hidden - bottom text entry


  2. Keyboard un-checked, single line input
    The bottom keyboard is hidden, and a small text field for typing something like a phone number

  3. keyboard un-checked, Multi-line input
    The bottom keyboard is hidden and a Text Area is an input.

Intent FreeTextIntent

Note Events: needs to be set to FlowMessageFreeTextEvent

No utterance

Slot freeText value

The results can be found at

In this mode:


['previous','previous question','go back', 'skip back', 'back up']

If the utterance matches one of these items the Flow manager will back up to the Previous question


['repeat','repeat again','repeat the question','tell me again', 'say again', 'could you repeat that']

If the utterance matches one of these items the flow manager will repeat the question.

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