How do I set up Orbita Chatbot on my website?

How do I set up Orbita Chatbot on my website?

Orbita provides a quick and easy to configure Engage Chatbot plug-in that enables chatbot for your website.


Register your website in Orbita (Whitelisting domains)

Register your website in Orbita and white-list the domain to use the Web Chatbot. Follow these simple steps to whitelist your website in the Experience Manager.

  1. Login to the Experience Manager.

  2. Click on your profile name and navigate to the Global Settings and User profile menu > Settings > Organization.


  3. In the Organization page, click on Application Settings.


  4. Paste your site’s domain name at the arrow mark (as shown in the below screenshot) and press enter.
    For example, if your website address is https://orbita.ai , your domain name will be “orbita.ai”.


  5. Save the changes by clicking on the save icon at the bottom right corner of the page.

Steps to dock chatbot on one side of the webpage

  1. Create a div (given below) inside the body tag with id = <Unique ID>.
    <div id="chatWindow"></div>

  2. Inside the header tag, create a script tag and give the chat plugin file reference for src.
    Include JQuery v1.0 and above (if already included you can skip this step).

    <head> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> </head>
  3. Include Chat Plugin in the header tag.

    <script src="https://<domain-name>.orbita.cloud:8443/chatbot/v2/chat-plugin.js"></script>
  4. Include the below script at the bottom of the page.

    <script> var endpointTag = "bot/web"; var chatLocation = 'https://<domain-name>.orbita.cloud:8443'; var option = { dockDefaultAction: 'open', width: '520', height: '780', domId: 'chatWindow', launchWord: 'open', name: 'Orbita', provider:'<your provider value eg: orbita>', serverUrl: chatLocation + '/oeapi/' + endpointTag, appSettingURL: chatLocation + '/oeapi/appsettings', theme: 'dock-float', oauthserverUrl: chatLocation, settings: { "header": { "logoUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/branding-mark.svg", "headerText": "COVID-19", "subHeaderText": "Chatbot powered by Orbita", "speakerOnIconUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/volume-on.svg", "speakerMuteIconUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/volume-muted.svg", "closeIconUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/x-header.svg" }, "banner": { "title": "''Click here'' - to read the Disclaimer", "message": "<p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Please Note:</strong> I use sources like the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) and others to ensure I have the latest information for you, but I can’t guarantee the accuracy of this information.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Also, I’m not a substitute for the judgment of a healthcare professional and not intended for use in the diagnosis or treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19) or any other diseases or conditions.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>If you suspect a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or your local emergency response immediately.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a target='_blank' href='https://orbita.ai/orbita-privacy-policy/'>Privacy Policy</a><p>&nbsp;</p>" }, "profile": { "defaultAvatorUrl": "" }, "footer": { "menuIconUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/plus-button.svg", "menuIconDisabledUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/plus-btn-disabled.svg", "micIconUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/mic.svg", "micOnIconUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/mic-on.svg", "sendButtonIconUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/button-circular-01.svg", "sendButtonDisabledIconUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/send-circular-01-disabled.svg" }, "botAvatorUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/orbita-icon.svg", "animationAvatorImageUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/avatar_loading.gif", "animationImageUrl": "/chatbot/v2/assets/msg_loading.gif", "theme": { "dockFloat": { "buttonSrc": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/orbitahealth/clients/sandbox73/assets/dynamic/images/chatlogo09eb1d50-5cb9-11ea-8c2e-57a45817118c.png", "buttonTitle": "Hi There!" } } } }; if (OrbitaChatBotPlugin) { OrbitaChatBotPlugin.initPlugin(option); } </script>
  5. You can include the below code in the header to change the styling of the chatbot.

The variables endpointTag and chatLocation to make the code simple and readable.

Please ensure that:

  1. The serverUrl is your chatbot URL.
    For example, https://sandbox5.orbita.cloud:8443/oeapi/bot/support

  2. The appSettingURL is https://<hostname>.orbita.cloud:<port>/oeapi/appsettings.
    For example, https://sandbox5.orbita.cloud:8443/oeapi/appsettings

  3. The oauthserverUrl is your environment endpoint. For example
    For example, https://sandbox5.orbita.cloud:8443

The Chatbot will load as shown below.

Properties and their usage

Property and its usage


Property and its usage


dockDefaultAction: 'open',

If you want the chatbot to open as you load the website, add the property dockDefaultAction and set the value to open.

If you don't use this property in the script, you have to click on the chatbot icon to open the chatbot.

This property is valid only for dock and dock-float themes.

domId: 'chatWindow',

The property value for ‘domId should be set as the same ‘<Unique ID> which is used in the div tag in Step1.

launchWord: 'open',

The property value for launchWord can be set to any utterance to begin the conversation. The default value is open

name: '<chatbot name>',

The property value for name will be assigned as the name of the Chatbot.

provider: '<your provider value>'

You can use your provider value here.

The provider value should be set as ‘orbita’ for the inline login to work in the dock view chatbot.

width: '<width in pixels>',

The property value for width should be a numeric value. This field is for restricting the width of the chatbot window. (Not applicable for Inline view theme).

height: '<height in pixels>',

The property value for height should be a numeric value. This field is for restricting the height of the chatbot window. (Not applicable for Inline view theme).

serverUrl: 'https://<hostname>:<port>/oeapi/bot/web',

The property value for serverUrl should be the Chatbot endpoint from Orbita AI Platform.

For example, https://sandbox5.orbita.cloud:8443/oeapi/bot/support

Please refer https://orbita.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OCS/pages/7176266 for more information.

appSettingURL: 'https://<hostname>:<port>/oeapi/appsettings'

The app settings URL should be placed here.

For example, https://sandbox5.orbita.cloud:8443/oeapi/appsettings

theme: 'dock-float',

The ‘theme property is valid only if the chatbot is plugged into a third party website. It is not applicable for chatbot rendered in a full window.

The theme can be dock, dock-float, inline, and sidebar.

enableLogin: true,

The property value for enableLogin can be true or false.

If enableLogin is set to ‘true’, a login link will appear for the end-user at the header of the chatbot. The chatbot would require the oath Server URL, Client ID and Client Secret to allow login functionality.

oathuserverUrl: ' https://<hostname>:<port>',

The property value for oathuserverUrl’ should be a URL.

For example, https://sandbox5.orbita.cloud:8443/

logoUrl: '<URL to the logo>',

he property value for logoUrl’ can be a link to the image file.

This will display a logo in the header of the chatbot.

Chatbot Icon

You can set a customized chatbot icon on your website using the below property. Clicking on the chatbot icon will open the chatbot.

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