Unable to add a new persona

Unable to add a new persona


  1. Unable to add a new persona.

  2. The screen freezes while creating a new persona.

  3. While creating a new persona, after clicking on the save button, nothing happens.

  4. The save button in “create a persona” page does nothing.


Clicking on the Save button in the “create a persona” page won't proceed to the next page or does nothing because of an incorrect schema.

Make sure you enclose the schema in the field object.

For example, using the below code will generate a form in the user creation page with the fields such as username, password, first name, last name, and timezone.

{ "fields": [ { "type": "String", "fieldType": "email", "options": [], "validation": [ { "required": true } ], "isDefault": true, "_id": "594f2f8bd457f592003eedef", "label": "Username", "key": "username" }, { "type": "String", "fieldType": "password", "options": [], "validation": [ { "required": true } ], "isDefault": true, "_id": "594f2f8bd457f592003eedee", "label": "Password", "key": "password" }, { "type": "String", "fieldType": "text", "options": [], "validation": [ { "required": true } ], "isDefault": true, "_id": "594f2f8bd457f592003eeded", "label": "First Name", "key": "firstName" }, { "type": "String", "fieldType": "text", "options": [], "validation": [ { "required": true } ], "isDefault": true, "_id": "594f2f8bd457f592003eedec", "label": "Last Name", "key": "lastName" }, { "type": "String", "fieldType": "text", "options": [], "validation": [], "isDefault": true, "_id": "5e00f632a1c0aa007794a17a", "key": "avatarSrc", "label": "Avatar" }, { "type": "String", "fieldType": "select", "options": [ { "key": "Pacific/Honolulu", "value": "Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time" }, { "key": "America/Adak", "value": "Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time" }, { "key": "America/Anchorage", "value": "Alaska Daylight Time" }, { "key": "America/Los_Angeles", "value": "Pacific Daylight Time" }, { "key": "America/Phoenix", "value": "Mountain Standard Time" }, { "key": "America/Denver", "value": "Mountain Daylight Time" }, { "key": "America/Chicago", "value": "Central Daylight Time" }, { "key": "America/New_York", "value": "Eastern Daylight Time", "defaultOption": "Eastern Daylight Time", "default": true }, { "key": "Australia/Sydney", "value": "Australian Eastern Standard Time" } ], "validation": [ { "required": true } ], "isDefault": true, "_id": "5e00f632a1c0aa007794a179", "key": "timezone", "label": "timezone" } ] }

While copying a persona from an already existing persona, please make sure to copy the schema from the edit persona page.

For more information, refer User management in Orbita (Personas and Users)

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