Outreach Manager Node

Outreach Manager Node

Purpose of the Node

In order to connect the Outreach Manager interfaces and data to the actual cascading logic in the Experience Designer, the Outreach Manager Node should be used. The Outreach Manager Node helps in connecting to the Outreach Manager, Population data and helps send out the communication to the end-users.

Setting up the Node

  • In the Experience Designer, search for “Outreach Manager“ in the left pane.

  • The Outreach Manager node could be found under the Orbita section.

Outreach Manager node

Outreach Manager Node

When we open the Outreach Manager node, we can select an option from a dropdown to choose the Outreach Manager.

Outreach Manager node

All the Outreach created on the Outreach Manager page would be available in the drop-down irrespective of the status of the Outreach. But for the Outreach to work, it must be marked as Live on the Outreach Manager page using the 3 dot menu.

  • Select an Outreach Manager from the drop-down and click the Done button to save it.

Outreach Details

  • The Outreach Manager node will give the complete details of the Outreach and the key details of Population Schema in the Output pin. These details can be used to build the logic in the Experience Designer.

  • The complete details of the Outreach would be available as a msg.outreachData in the Output in of the Outreach Manager node as below.

    Sample property structure msg.outreachData:

    { "__v": 0, "_id": "6319b2b8dc2e7c007a99880f", "blueprintId": "63184aa3b703ad0076aa08d8", "blueprintType": "Standard Channels", "channels": [ { "type": "SMS", "name": "SMS", "_id": "63217fb3d23ca8007c4284b8", "configData": [ { "subject": "Test sms", "phoneNumber": "+918682924637", "wayOfCommunication": "Trigger Based", "whenToSend": [..], "message": "Hi,\nmsg from qa env" } ] }, { "type": "email", "name": "email", "_id": "63217fb3d23ca8007c4284b9", "configData": [ { "subject": "Email subject", "emailAddress": "", "wayOfCommunication": "Schedule Based", "whenToSend": [ { "startTime": "05:34:00+00:00", "key": true, "day": "Sunday" }, { "startTime": "", "key": false, "day": "Monday" } ], "emailbody": "<p>Email body for the campaign</p>\n", "attachments": [], "unsubscribeURL": "" } ] }, { "type": "phone", "name": "phone", "_id": "63217fb3d23ca8007c4284ba", "configData": [ { "subject": "Phone number subject", "phoneNumber": "6767676767", "wayOfCommunication": "Schedule Based", "whenToSend": [..] }, { "type": "Bi-DirectionalSMS", "name": "Bi-DirectionalSMS", "_id": "63217fb3d23ca8007c4284bb", "configData": [..] } ], "channelsStatus": [ { "name": "sms", "isEnabled": true }, { "name": "email", "isEnabled": true }, { "name": "phone", "isEnabled": true }, { "name": "biDirectionalSMS", "isEnabled": true } ], "createdAt": "2022-09-08T09:15:36.350Z", "createdBy": "620016f1b9c50f006d7003d5", "description": "desc", "duration": "Ongoing", "endDateTime": null, "launchDateTime": "2022-09-15T10:56:00.000Z", "modifiedAt": "2022-09-14T07:16:03.427Z", "modifiedBy": "620016f1b9c50f006d7003d5", "name": "outreach", "populationModel": { "_id": "631ef5ea118f9000753f4030", "permission": { "readAll": false, "editAll": false, "persona": [], "project": [] }, "esIndex": false, "type": "outreach_population", "description": "des", "enablePostDataHooks": false, "tags": [ "fljk" ], "projectId": [ "63184aa2b703ad0076aa08c7" ], "modules": "", "name": "New outreach schema", "ttl": null, "fields": [..], "keyName": "newoutreachschema", "createdBy": "620016f1b9c50f006d7003d5", "createdAt": "2022-09-12T09:03:38.314Z", "modifiedAt": "2022-09-12T09:03:38.314Z", "__v": 0 }, "projectId": [ "63184aa2b703ad0076aa08c7" ], "state": { "mode": "edit", "user": null }, "status": "live", "timezone": "EST" }

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