Outreach Manager
What is an Outreach Manager?
The Outreach Manager provides organizations and internal resources with the ability to create and manage outreach campaigns from the outreach blueprints where the virtual assistants proactively engage with end users through an omnichannel approach. Examples of outreach communications include, but are not limited to, messages, reminders, confirmations, assessments, tasks, and more.
Within the Outreach Manager, a user can add and edit the content per channel, choose the target population, define launch/end timeframes, and more.
Outreach Manager landing page
In the Project side Navigation menu, choose the “Create“ menu item.
In the Outreach section, choose the Manager.
If this is the first time creating an outreach campaign in the Project, you will be landed in the Empty State screen.
If you have created outreach campaigns within Outreach Manager previously, the landing page will display a List View of the existing campaigns with pertinent information.
3 Dot Menu
In the List View, we can make use of the 3 dot menu to Edit, View Details, Duplicate, Delete, Copy the Outreach ID, and Activate the outreach campaign. The 3 dot menu options can be accessed by hovering over the menu icon.
The available options in the 3 dot menu will differ based on the status of the Outreach item.
The Edit option from the 3 dot menu will take you into the Outreach Details screen where we can modify the configuration of the outreach campaign, for example, Outreach Blueprint, Channels, Channel content, Population, Dates & Times.
View Details
The View Details option from the 3 dot menu will launch a modal that displays details about the history of the outreach and allows you to edit the title and description of the outreach campaign.
The Duplicate option duplicates the Outreach with a Number suffix added to the Name of the new Outreach
The Delete option would delete the Outreach after the user confirms the action through a call to action.
Copy Outreach ID
The Copy Outreach ID option helps in copying the auto-generated Outreach ID easily to the clipboard.
The Launch option will change the Status of the Outreach campaign to Live. The launch will be successful only if we have all the needed details filled up.
If some needed fields are incomplete, the user will receive a warning pop-up with the details of the incomplete information.
How to set up the Outreach Manager?
To create an Outreach Manager, click on the “Create Outreach“ button on the Outreach Manager landing page/list view
Give a Title and Description to the Outreach Manager in the “Create New Outreach“ Pop up and click on the Create button.
We will land on the Outreach Manager detailed page after clicking Create
Outreach Title
This will be the Name given in the Create New Outreach pop up
This is an auto-generated ID specific to this Outreach Campaign
Basic Info
In this section, the Outreach Blueprint for this Outreach Manager will be selected. Based on the Blueprint selection, the Channels available will be displayed and can be selected by the business user.
Choosing Outreach Blueprint
The Outreach Blueprint for the Outreach campaign will be chosen in the Basic Info section as explained above.
Once the Blueprint is chosen, the available channels in the Blueprint will be displayed to the user and can be enabled by selecting the checkbox.
A separate tab will be made available for the Channels chosen in the Basic Info section. Configurations of communications will be completed under each channel tab.
The population for which the Outreach is designed should be chosen in the Population dropdown. The schemas created with the type ‘Outreach Population’ will be available in the dropdown.
Only one population can be chosen. You are also able to download an empty copy of the population schema if desired.
Dates & Times
In the Dates & Times section, the Duration, Time Zone, Launch Date & Time, and End Date & Time will be configured.
The Duration of the Outreach can be either Ongoing or the Date Range.
When the Ongoing option is chosen, only Launch Date & Time can be given. The Outreach will begin at the time given in the Launch Date & Time field and it will continue without any end.
When the Date Range option is chosen, an additional field to give the end date will appear. The Outreach will begin at the time given in the Launch Date & Time field and end at the time given in the End Date & Time field
Time Zone
The Time Zone of the Outreach users would be chosen in this field. This time zone would apply to all communications across the Outreach campaign.
Launch Date & Time
The start Date & Time of the Outreach will be given in this field
End Date & Time
This option will be available only when the Date Range option is chosen in the Duration field. The Outreach will end at the Date & Time given in this field
Channel Tabs
The Channel tabs will become visible when you select the channels supported by the blueprint. This tab will disappear if we deselect (uncheck) the channel in the Channels sections. If any configuration or content has been entered into a channel tab, deselecting the channel from the Channels section would disable (grey out) the tab so that configuration changes are not lost.
Each communication within a channel will also receive a unique ID, this can be identified at the top of the communication panel to the right of the Subject/Title. A copy icon is available to easily add the ID to your clipboard for sharing.
Note: the Communication ID is different than the Outreach Campaign ID
Each channel tab will have the ‘How does it Initiate?’ section
How does it initiate?
The value for this could be either Schedule Based or Trigger Based
When we choose, Schedule Based, the When To Send option appears. In this section, we can configure the Time at which the communication has to be sent on each day of the week.
If Trigger Based is selected then you will not be asked to configure the when to send section. The Trigger based communications must be configured by a technical resource through Experience Designer.
Within each channel, users also have the ability to add additional communications on a per-channel basis.
Add Channel Button
Below the last communication built in each channel tab will be an option to add an additional communication of that channel type.
Clicking on this Add button will generate a new blank communication for that channel to be configured.
There is no limit to the number of communications you can have per channel.
Email Tab
The configuration for the Email channel communication(s) will be completed in this tab.
Subject of Email
As the name suggests, The Email subject can be given in this section. This subject field will populate the subject of the email sent.
Sender Email Address
The Sender’s Email will be displayed here based on the environment configurations completed by Orbita Support. Users cannot add an email address manually in V1. This email address will appear in the From Address of the Email sent to the Population.
Email Body
We can either use the Email template already stored in the Environment or we can use the Email Body Editor to create an Email Body.
In the Select Email Template Dropdown, all the Email Template that is present in the Environment would be available. We can choose the required template.
Go to Email Template
This option will open a new browser tab and take us to the Email template chosen in the dropdown
View all Email Templates
This option will open a new browser tab and take us to the Email Templates listing screen.
Email Body Editor
This option can be used to create the Body of the Email if none of the templates can be used.
Note: A user must choose either a Template or use the Editor to build the Email body; both cannot be used together. If a template is selected, the Editor will be removed from the UX to reduce confusion of the end user. Deselecting the template will allow the editor to once again be shown.
This is an optional parameter.
If we want to include any attachment in the Email, we can use this option. Multiple attachments can also be added using the “Add Another Attachment“ option
Unsubscribe URL
This option can be used to provide an option in the Email to unsubscribe from the campaign
The configuration for the SMS channel communication(s) will be completed in this tab.
Subject of SMS
The Subject of the SMS can be given in this section . This subject will not be used when sending the SMS communication, it is simply a display title to ease navigation and provide the context within the platform.
Sender Phone Number
The Sender’s Phone Number(s) will be displayed here based on the environment configurations completed by Orbita Support. Users cannot add phone numbers manually in V1. This Phone Number(s) will appear in the Sender of the SMS sent to the Population. This field will validate the phone number provided to ensure it is a legitimate number. If validation fails the user will receive an error within this field.
Main Message
The main content of the SMS can be given in this section. A segment calculator will appear below this field as text is entered to guide the user in setup and to ensure the proper number of segments is used.
Phone Tab
The configuration for the Phone channel communication(s) will be completed in this tab.
Subject of Phone Call
The Subject of the Phone call can be given in this section. This subject will not be used when sending the Phone communication, it is simply a display title to ease navigation and provide the context within the platform.
Sender Phone Number
The Sender’s Phone Number(s) will be displayed here based on the environment configurations completed by Orbita Support. Users cannot add phone numbers manually in V1. This Phone Number(s) will appear as the Caller of the Phone call made to the Population. This field will validate the phone number provided to ensure it is a legitimate number. If validation fails the user will receive an error within this field.
The Flow Studio flow that is to be executed for the Phone call has to be chosen in the drop-down. All the flow studio flows created in the Project will be available in the drop-down and the right flow has to be selected.
To execute the Flow option, please contact support@orbita.ai.
Bi-Directional SMS Tab
The configuration for the Bi-Directional SMS channel communication(s) will be completed in this tab.
Subject of Bi-Directional SMS
The Subject of the SMS can be given in this section
Sender Phone Number
The Sender’s Phone Number(s) will be displayed here based on the environment configurations completed by Orbita Support. Users cannot add phone numbers manually in V1. This Phone Number(s) will appear in the Sender of the SMS sent to the Population. This field will validate the phone number provided to ensure it is a legitimate number. If validation fails the user will receive an error within this field.
Main Message
The first message content of the Bi-Directional SMS communication can be given in this section. A segment calculator will appear below this field as text is entered to guide the user in setup and to ensure the proper number of segments is used.
The Flow Studio flow that is to be executed for the Bi-Directional SMS conversational experience has to be chosen in the drop-down. All the flow studio flows created in the Project will be available in the drop-down and the right flow has to be selected.
To execute the Flow option, please contact support@orbita.ai.