Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • We have the option to migrate the Answers v1 knowledge base to Answers v2. The two Both the versions can be accessed from the same Create> Agents> Answers navigation menu. From the v4.0.98 release, no new v1 Answer KB can be created. Once all the v1 knowledge bases are migrated, the User will not be able to access v1 anymore.

More on Answers content migration in How do I migrate from Answers v1 to Answers v2


  • Currently while exporting the Answers v2 KB we will not have the Labels data in the CSV.

  • The Agent node in Flow studio is not supporting Answers v2 currently.

Google CX Agent deployment

  • Orbita platform now supports Google CX agent deployment. This is an advanced agent type that is suitable for large or very complex agents. The User has an option to opt for CX agent deployment in the deployment screen during service key upload. %%%%% add screenshot

More details on CX agent deployment in Create a Dialogflow Agent


Currently the CX agent deployment will support DTMF feature alone. Chatbot is not yet supported.


  • Previously when we connect a Flow manager node after the Answers Manager node, the answers data was not available in Insights. Now it will be available in this Insights property - express.voiceAnalytics.voiceAgent.response.platformAgent.answer


  • The ‘go back' feature will support the following cases. This includes the goBack icon, and the user inputs go backback”, or previous.

    • (Between flows) The User can go back to the previous flow from their current flow.

    • (After flow ends) When the flow ends, the User can go back to the last question in the previous flow. This happens only if the user goes back from the question immediately next to the last flow studio question.


  • The text re-prompt under the Text tab in Multimodal content editors are now removed. This change is done in Experience designer Say node, Flow studio nodes, Orbita Answers, Taxonomy and Content data.

  • The autogenerated slots for Flow studio flow will have the nomenclature Flowlist_{{6 charac token}} This token helps us avoid creating multiple copies of the same intents and slots while importing data.


Experience Designer


Send Email Node

  • Previously in the Send Email node when editing a project-specific email template the redirection to the Edit email template screen in a new tab was not happening. This is now fixed.
