What is SSML?

What is SSML?

The rich text editor in the Say node supports Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

Using SSML, you can tell Alexa to do things such as:

  • read digits in a number individually, as cardinal numbers, as ordinal numbers, and more by clicking the Person button in the Say field.

  • include a break in the speech by clicking the Stopwatch button in the Say field.

  • read a word as a specific part of speech such as a verb, a past tense verb, a noun, or as the non-default sense of the word’s definition by clicking the Microphone button in the Say field.

  • speak using pronunciations different from the default

SSML lets you also include audio files.

  • The MP3 must be hosted at an Internet-accessible HTTPS endpoint. HTTPS is required, and the domain hosting the MP3 file must present a valid, trustedSSL certificate. Self-signed certificates cannot be used.

  • The MP3 must not contain any customer-specific or other sensitive information.

  • The MP3 must be a valid MP3 file (MPEG version 2).

  • The audio file cannot be longer than ninety (90) seconds.

  • The bit rate must be 48 kbps. Note that this bit rate gives a good result when used with spoken content, but is generally not a high enough quality for music.

  • The sample rate must be 16000 Hz.

You may need to use converter software to convert your MP3 files to the required codec version (MPEG version 2) and bit rate (48 kbps).

More information about SSML is available here.

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