How do I customize an email template?

Organization level

You can customize emails for the organization. Go to the Global Settings and User Profile menu and select Settings > Email Templates.

To edit a template, click on a template from the list.

Project Level

You can create project-level email templates at the Project side menu > Develop > Email Templates.

You can either create your own template or choose a global email template from the Email template list and modify it. When you modify a global email template, a local copy of the global email template is created and the changes are saved in the local copy at the project level.

You can select an option from the Select Persona dropdown. This selection informs the fields that are made available in the Tokens dropdown to be used within the template.

To use a token, click on the Token field. Select the token you want to use.

For example, when choosing Administrators in the Select Persona dropdown, the Token dropdown in the editor will only show Tokens that are associated with the Administrator Persona.

In the Multimodal content editor, you will get the dynamic persona field value.

You can disable/enable the emails that use the template with the toggle button on the top right corner in both project and global email templates.

If you toggle off the Enable Email in the Global email template forgot password, the users in the environment will not get an email notification when they click on the forgot password link.

How to add a button in the Email templates

Follow the below steps to add a button to the Email template.

  1. Open the Email template you wanted to edit.

  2. Click on the Source button, as shown below, to view the source code of the email content.

  3. Add the below code after the </p> tag

    <a href=""><button style="background:#4CAF50;color:white;text-align:center; width:240px;height:40p;font-size:20px; cursor:pointer;border-radius:12px">Button</button></a>


  4. Click on the Source button to go back to the display view.

  5. Save the Email template.

If you save the Email template without going back to the display view (by clicking on the Source button), the changes made to the source code will not be reflected.

The user will receive an email as shown below.

Clicking on this button will open a new tab loading the URL specified in the code snippet.

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