Guide to Orbita Voice Mobile SDK (iOS)
The Orbita Voice SDK will enable the integration of Orbita Voice services across iOS apps. Development of services such as audio processing, speech to text conversion from scratch can be time-consuming. For this reason, Orbita has developed the SDK that can integrate all the voice-related services that a business requires, for easy and quick implementation.
- iOS 10.0 or above
- Xcode 9.0 or above
Orbita Voice SDK Installation
Contact Orbita Support to access these files files files
Creating a new project in Xcode
1. Open Xcode.
2. Select โProjectโ from the File menu โ File - New
3. Select โSingle View Appโ (Default selection) and click โnextโ
4. Fill in the Product name and click โnextโ
5. Select a directory where the project must be created and select โCreateโ
6. A new project will be created with the โProduct nameโ that was given in the previous step.
Import the SDK files to the project
1. Unzip the file.
2. Copy the unzipped folder named โSDKโ and paste it in the projectโs directory (as shown in the screenshot below).
3. Move the โgoogleapis.podspecโ file and โgoogleโ folder from the SDK folder to the project directory.
From the โSDKโ folder
To the โProject nameโ folder
4. In Xcode, right-click on the project directory and select โAdd files to <Project name>โ.
5. Select the folder named โSDKโ which is added to Xcode and click on โAddโ
Pod Installation
1. Go to Terminal and change the directory to project directory
โcd /Users/username/Desktop/<Project name>โ
2. Type โpod initโ and press enter โ this will create a Podfile in the project directory
3. Open Podfile in a text editor and paste the below lines after โuse_frameworks!โ
pod 'Alamofire'
pod 'googleapis', :path => โ.'
4. Save the Podfile.
5. Go to terminal and type โpod installโ and press enter. This will install all the dependencies that were added, in the previous steps, into the Podfile.
6. The files that are highlighted in the below screenshot will be created.
7. Close the project in Xcode and open โ<Project name>.xcworkspaceโ file from the project directory
Build procedure
1. Go to Product โ Run from the file menu. The build would run into errors in google STT. Please follow the below link to resolve it.
In the above-mentioned web page, ignore the first step and proceed with the second step.
2. Run the project from the product โ Run from file menu till you see no error in the build
3. Replace the Google API key in SpeechRecognitionService.swift
Using the SDK
Login to Orbita services
let servicePayload = [โusername":"","password":""]
WebServices.sharedManager.LoginRequest(servicePayload as NSDictionary, success:
{ (response, requestName, status) in
{ (error, requestName,status) in
The SDK will decode the java web token and save the authorization token in the userdefaults.
The response will be the decoded JWT.
Sample Response
"_id": "58e72a68343f94a80803e3ba",
"roles": [
"firstName": "Alpesh",
"lastName": "Patel",
"avatarSrc": "img/avatar0.jpg",
"attributes": {
"oauthSettings": {
"alexa": {
"userId": "M2G739YPXVIGU8",
"access": {
"expiresAt": "2018-05-15T18:36:55+05:30",
"tokenSecret": "Your_Token_Secret",
"token": "Your_Token"
"email": "",
"title": "CTO",
"pinSecurityExpired": "2018-05-03T12:07:46.586Z"
"token": "",
"personaType": "592e9e508c0f67381784b15a",
"personaProfile": {
"username": "",
"firstName": "Alpesh",
"lastName": "Patel",
"securityPin": "2548",
"securityPinInterval": "1",
"timezone": "America/Chicago"
"iat": 1526480494,
"exp": 1526494894
Using SpeechAudioProcessor Class for Audio Processing
Assign SpeechAudioProcessor.shared.delegate = self
Start the recognition task
We need to request authorization from the user to use a microphone for voice recognition.
The AuthorizationStatus delegate method returns true for granted request and false for declined request
func AuthorizationStatus(status: Bool) {
On successful authorization status, we can start recognition task.
To stop recognition, we can use
the delegate method recognitionCancel() is called when the task has been canceled, either by client app, the user, or the system.
The delegate method recognitionResult will provide the recognized word including the non-final hypothesis.
func recognitionResult(withText text: String?, isFinal: Bool) {
isFinal = true - Called only for final recognitions of utterances. No more about the utterance will be reported.
isFinal = False - Called for all recognitions, including non-final hypothesis.
text = recognized text from speech recognizer.
Post Utterance to Orbita Voice server
let requestToken = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "orbitaRequestToken") as! String
let serviceDict = ["utterance":UtteranceString,"sessionId":sessionID,"orbitaToken":requestToken]
WebServices.sharedManager.PostVoiceRecognitionService(params:serviceDict as NSDictionary, success:
{ (response, requestName, status) in
{ (error, requestName, status) in
sessionID - Random 16 digit string
UtteranceString - string from device voice recognition result for Orbita voice processing.
Sample Request:
Response :
"orbitaPayload": {
"payload": {
"multiagent": {
"voice": {
"sayText": "<p>Hello World! <break strength=\"none\" time=\"5s\"/> How can I help?</p><p> </p> <p>hello how are you</p><p> </p>",
"rePrompt": "<p>how can i help?<audio src=\"\"/></p>"
"chat": {
"chatText": "<p>Hello World! How can I help?</p>",
"rePrompt": "<p>how can I help you?</p>"
"screen": {
"shortTitle": "Hi",
"longTitle": "Hi there",
"body": "<p>Hello World! How can I help?</p>",
"smallImage": "",
"largeImage": ""
"buttons": {
"type": "",
"name": "buttons",
"choices": []
"type": "4",
"name": "orbita"
"text": "Hello World! How can I help? hello how are you ",
"reprompt": "Hello World! How can I help? hello how are you ",
"sessionEnd": false,
"replaceWord": {
"two": [
"six": [
"ten": [
Play Audio Content
To play the audio content from Orbita voice service
var audioContent = [String:Any]()
audioContent = serviceResponse.value(forKey: "sayTextAudio") as! [String:Any]
var data = NSData()
if(audioContent["data"] is [String]){
let dataArray = audioContent["data"] as! [String]
data = NSData(base64Encoded: dataArray[0], options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions.ignoreUnknownCharacters)!
SpeechAudioProcessor.shared.PlayAudio(data: data as Data)
serviceResponse - Response from orbita voice service.
audioContent - property name for audio file in response JSON.
We will be receiving byte array of string which needs to be base 64 decoded.
Delegate method AudioFileDidFinishPlaying will be called after the audio has finished playing.
we can use stopAudio to stop audio player anytime while the audio player is playing.
To synthesize the text from Orbita voice service to speech (TTS)
var audioText = serviceResponse.value(forKey: "text") as! String
SpeechAudioProcessor.shared.SpeakText(string: audioText)
Delegate method SpeechSynthesizer(didFinishSpeaking text: String) will be called after the SpeechSynthesizer has finished playing the text.
We can use stopAudio to stop SpeechSynthesizer anytime while the audio player is playing.