Location Service
The Location Service module adds methods for working with location data.
The Location Service module is dependent on Orbita Blaze being available and configured.
The Location Service module is dependent on the following modules:
Renders markup for the details overlay for a location card based on the provided location data.
rawLocation (object): The raw location record
Returns: A promise that will resolve with the rendered details markup for the provided location.
Searches for locations using Blaze based on a query
query (string): The search query
maximumResults (number, default = 10000): The maximum number of results to return.
sort (array, default = []): An array of sort properties, where each item in the array is an object where the key is the property to sort on, and the value is a sort order with “asc” for ascending or “desc” for descending, for example:
[ { "facilityName": "desc" } ]
includeFilters (array, default = []): An array of filters to be included, where each item in the array is an object where the key is the property to filter on, and the value is an array of values to match for. For example:
[ { "facilityName.keyword": ["Valley Health"] } ]
Root level location record string properties in includeFilters should have “.keyword” appended to the property name as shown above.
Returns: A promise that will resolve with an object containing the following properties:
locations (array): The results of the search, in raw Elastic format
aggregations (object): Aggregation information that can be used with some Orbita components (card list filters for example).
The promise will reject in the case of a Blaze lookup failure.
Retrieves a location record by its Orbita ID
id (string): The Orbita ID of the location
formatted (boolean, default = true): Whether or not to return the data in the intermediary model. If false, the raw data will be returned.
Returns: A promise that will resolve with the location record.
format is a container for the following methods:
Formats a raw Orbita record into the intermediary model.
raw (object): The raw Orbita record
Returns: The formatted location.
Formats a raw Elastic result into the intermediary model.
raw (object): The raw Elastic result
Returns: The formatted location.
Intermediary Model
Certain methods provide an option of returning data raw from Orbita or in the format of the intermediary model that serves as an interface for other modules using the Location Service module. The intermediary location model is:
id (string): The Orbita ID of the location record
name (string): facilityName from the Orbita record
POST: /[Project ID]/location-service/data/providers-by-location
Posting a payload such as:
"query": "Valley Health"
Where query is a location name will return buckets of providers at that location grouped by specialty, which is used by the location details display to populate the providers tab.