3.7.12 FAQ Hub

3.7.12 FAQ Hub

What is Engage FAQ Hub?

Orbita’s FAQ Hub module allows you to create a sitemap for your content. Your sitemap makes use of the K-Graph and the Flow studio to get the FAQ data and configure the conversational bot respectively.

Why should I use the FAQ Hub?

Engage helps you to drive traffic to your website using search engine optimization.
When a user searches about a topic in Google, based on the relevance of your content, your website will be at the top of the search result. This would increase the probability of users entering your website to access your content, bot, and FAQs.

About the FAQ Hub

  1. Use the suffix engage to Orbita environment to access FAQ Manager. For example, https://yourdomain.orbita.cloud:8443/engage/

  2. You will be redirected to the login page of Engage.

  3. Use User management in Orbita (Personas and Users) | Engage settings to configure the permissions to who can have access to FAQ Manager.

  4. Log in to FAQ Manager. The landing page will have a welcome screen and a sidebar.

  5. The sidebar contains the below options.

    1. Orbita Answers - Clicking on this option takes you to Answers Page. You can configure your Knowledge Bases here. For more information on Answers, refer to Orbita Answers - Implementation Guide.

    2. Engage Hub - You can configure Url, K-Graph, Flow studio, Root Url. Refer Engage - FAQ Hub Configuration

    3. Engage Bots - Click on this option to access the Flow studio. You can configure your bot flow here. For more information, refer to Guide to Flow Studio

    4. Engage Insights - Provides Logs and analytics of Engage application. For more information, refer to Guide to Orbita Insights.

    5. Experience Manager - Click on this option and switch to Orbita’s Experience Manager. (This option is visible to the users who have access to both Experience Manager and Engage.) Refer User management in Orbita (Personas and Users) | Engage settings

If a user is given access to only Engage, he will not be able to switch back to Experience Manager.

Engage FAQ Hub configuration

  1. Click on Engage Hub from the Side navigation menu to view the Engage hub listing page.

  2. Click on the (+) icon to create a new Engage Hub.


  3. Fill in the name and description and click Add.


  4. The Engage Hub settings screen is divided into two parts.

    1. Hub settings - You can configure all the dynamic content on your webpage here.


    2. Organization settings - You can configure organization details such as name, logo, and so on.


  5. Fill in the required fields and click on the Save icon.

Hub Settings

  1. Path of the sitemap. By default, the Hub name will be populated here. You can change it as preferred.

  2. Select a Knowledge Graph name from the drop-down list.

  3. Select a Flow studio name from the drop-down list. You can use the Flow studio to configure your bot.

  4. Your domain url. For example, https://www.yourdomain.orbita.cloud:8443

If you did not select the Knowledge Graph in step 2, you will get the error “Mandatory field kgraphId is missing“ on the Facts Manager node in the Experience Designer. (Refer to screenshot below for the error message.)

Organization Settings

  1. Name of your Organization

  2. Your organization’s website Url.

  3. Description of your company.

  4. You can link any social media profile(s). To add more, click on the Add Profile button.

  5. Upload your Organization’s logo here.
    The image must be larger than 112px X112px size.
    The image URL must be crawlable and indexable.
    The image must be in .jpg, .png, .gif formats only.

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