GA Release - 4.0.78

The list below represents the features, updates, and fixes included in the Orbita GA Release build 4.0.78


Breaking Changes

  • The msg.payload.orbita.multimodal property is deprecated. Use msg.payload.multiagent while working with Answers Manager node in the Experience Designer.

Experience Manager

For existing customers,
1. The contents from the settings tab in the Bot view template node takes higher priority.
2. Delete the contents of the settings tab in the Bot view template in Experience Designer, to load the Chatbot Settings for that project.

For new customers, by default, the Chatbot settings will be loaded for the project.

Adaptive Cards

  • You can now export/import the Adaptive cards from the Adaptive cards listing page. Click on the verticle ellipses and choose the Import/export option. Refer, .

  • Added host config to Global menu > Organization > Application Settings. Using the host config, you can define common styles such as font family, font sizes, default spacing, and so on to all your adaptive cards within the environment. Refer,

    You can edit the Host config and the CSS using the Edit button.


  • The toggle button "Generate Intent per KB" will be off by default. When it is turned ON, the intent tab is visible.

Flow Studio

  • In the Options (Choose Many & Choose One), we have added a new field that contains a dropdown with Default and Utterance types. If you select the Utterance type, the corresponding choice will be excluded from the auto-generated slots so that it can trigger an intent. Refer

  • The response to the Chatbot user will be delivered in the chronology as it is designed in flow studio.
    Currently, when we deliver a response in multiple 'pieces'; eg: a say node(s) + directive, or directive + additional nodes, the directive always gets appended at the bottom.

  • Added an advanced search filter to the Flow Studio History tab that will filter the results based on Username and date range.

  • Deleting the Flow Studio flow will delete the Flow History from the database.


  • Added search functionality for Dashboards.

Experience Designer

  • The Twilio node will now support WhatApp along with SMS and Call. Refer,


  • Added a new directive called the Bootstrap Carousel to the list of directives. The bootstrap carousel will render only one carousel item, with design changes with navigation arrows, irrespective of the page width. Refer

General Improvements

  • You can now Link an image to a word inside the fact. In the chatbot when you invoke the fact, the image will open in a new tab.

  • In the browser cookie settings, the SameSite attribute is set as Strict.

  • The buttons associated with the chat bubbles will now load at the same time without applying delay to the buttons.

  • When importing a project, the facts are not added to the KB because the schema is not mapped with Content KB. This is now fixed.

  • The bug that blocked users from saving the Global menu > Organization > Application Settings page is now fixed.

  • Removed the border around the docked chatbot icon. The border will appear when it is focused.

  • In the forgot password page, entering the Email-ID and hitting the Enter button will no longer take you back to the login page. It will now show the message “Reset password link was sent to”.

  • The submit button on the chatbot will be deactivated by default. Once the chatbot user enters any text in the keyboard input field, the submit button’s color will change to blue to indicate it is active.

With no text in the keyboard input field

With text available in the keyboard input field

  • When the Redis functionality is toggled off in the Organization Settings, the catchall node will not capture the "Redis server is not available" error while invoking the Flow Studio flow.

  • For unused Group intents (even if used in disabled flows in Experience Designer), an error message will be shown on the deployment screen.

Engineering Notes

Additional technical information can be found in the Engineering Notes for each of the builds included in the GA Release.

Engineering Notes for Build 4.0.77

Engineering Notes for Build 4.0.78