GA Release - October 2020

The list below represents the features, updates, and fixes included in the Orbita GA Release for October 2020.

GA Release at a glimpse

New Features

Orbita CLI (Command Line Interface)

Adaptive Cards

  • Introducing Adaptive cards, a subset of directives, which allows you to create custom directives' design. You can find the Adaptive cards option in the Project Side menu. You can design and use the directives for your chatbot.

    For example, you can create a Date range picker and more using the Adaptive cards .


    Refer to the documentation.

Live Chat integration

  • We have successfully enabled Live Chat for the chatbot. You can now integrate Live Chat with the chatbot and forward the conversation to a live agent.
    Refer to documentation.

New Nodes

We have introduced a set of Prehook nodes that acts as middleware. As an admin user, you can send a custom payload before the intent(s) gets triggered using the Prehook nodes. You can find more information on the Prehook nodes at

  • Prehook Request Node - You can choose the intents for which this Prehook request node should be triggered. The Prehook request node will be triggered for the intents listed irrespective of the state.

  • Prehook Response Node - The PreHook Response node accompanied by the Prehook Request node will either send the payload to the server or trigger the corresponding intent that triggered the PreHook Request node.

Experience Manager

  • For Schemas, you can now use the TTL in Day(s) field on the Schema Create/Edit page. This field will define how long the data can stay in the database.

    If the TTL time exceeds the time mentioned in the field, the system deletes the dynamic or content data that were created using this schema.

  • In the Permission Settings, you can now enable/disable the users to access the Orbita Insights.

  • In the Deployment screen, you can now see the last deployment date/time and the user that deployed it.
    For Google

    For Alexa

  • You can now Export and Import Answers as a module via the project Export/Import window.

Clicking on the Download button will download a .zip file that contains all the associated K-Graphs (as .csv) and the project data (as .json).
Clicking on the Copy to Clipboard button will copy only the project data.

Selecting Answers in the export/import window will check the Content module automatically.

  • You can now handle multiple topics present in a user's utterance. When a user’s utterance contains multiple topics then the set Primary topic (Answers > Settings > Advanced tab) will be ignored (if present in the utterance).
    The NLPs will identify the topics in the utterance and arrange them as an array. Orbita will consider the first topic in that array and deliver the corresponding response to the chatbot.

For Alexa to recognize multiple topics in the utterance, you should enable the “Can this slot contain multiple values?“ option in the corresponding Intent edit screen.

  • While logging in to Orbita’s Experience Manager, you can see a Remember me check box. If you check this, you don't have to go through the login page for your subsequent visits.
    If you logout, your session details will be removed and you are prompted to log in on the next visit.

  • As an admin user, while registering or editing an application (Global menu > Register Application.), you can set a custom URL in the forgotPasswordURI. This is an optional field and the default value is '/forgotpassword'.

    When the user clicks on the forgot password option on the Login page, he/she will be redirected to the URL placed in the forgotPasswordURI field.

Experience Designer

  • You can now control the meta tag information via the Bot View Template node > “Header” tab. More information at

  • You can now use the more Built-In flows that were added to the Experience Designer > Hamburger menu > Import > Built-In > Orbita Flows-(Beta) folder.

  • We have added the Bot Manager flow to the default flows that you will get while creating a new project. In this Bot Manager flow > Bot view template

    • The Chatbot version is set to version V2.

    • The Endpoint will be set to /bot/<project-name> .

    • The appSettings endpoint is set to /bot/<project-name>/settings.

  • When you drag the Bot View template node to the canvas, it will now have the Chatbot Version as V2 by default.

  • The Article answer Property of Answers Manager node will now contain a dropdown list that custom schema fields along with the {{msg.payload.orbita.answers.articleContent.title}} path. You can choose from the list or you can type in your custom field property path.

Flow Studio

  • You can now have more control over the Evaluate control and the Flow studio flows with the Debug mode enabled in the Evaluate control. When the Debug option is checked, it will automatically send the evaluation parameters to the debug window of the Experience Designer.

    In the Experience Designer, you can see the evaluate parameters in the debug window as illustrated in the screenshot below.

  • You can now monitor the flow studio flows even more closely with the help of Flow History option.

    The Flow History window contains the below details on every action done on the Flow studio.

    • Avatar/ Initials.

    • Action - Update or Delete.

    • Username - of the user that did the action.

    • Date - Created/Modified

    • Menu icon

      • View - To view changes

      • Restore - To restore changes to an earlier point.


  • The facts listing page now contains the Updated column that lists the last-modified date/time.


  • Updated the New Engage FAQ landing and Topic landing page designs.

    • On creating a new engage project, this is the default template that will be available to the user.

    • For the existing users, the Engage Manager flows in the library is also updated.

    • Modified the design of the Engage page.

      • The BG color and the border radius of the topic answers section is now changed.

      • The priority of the answer section is set to screen-> chat->voice.

      • The FAQ landing page is updated with a new design.

  • Modified the UI of the Engage Login page.

  • The logged-in users with Engage permission enabled, in the Permission settings, can see their profile in the toolbar at the top of the page.

  • As an admin user, you will receive a popup on the screen when you launch Engage Hub for the first time.

  • If the Voice Management Permission is enabled in Permission Settings for a persona, the user with that persona can edit the FAQ content on the Engage Hub screen.

    Clicking on this Edit icon will navigate the user to the corresponding Fact Screen in Answers.

Web Chatbot

  • Introduced a new parameter for the App settings function node called enablePreviousOptions. Setting this parameter to true will handle the following features:

    • Dynamic animation effect for more buttons.

    • Shows all the options in previous responses, highlighting the selected responses.
      Before this release, as a chatbot user, if you scroll up to check the previous conversation that you had with the chatbot, the chatbot shows only the selected responses (not all options). Now, all the options of previous questions are there to be seen along with the user selected response(highlighted).

      This is valid only for the Bot Version V2.

  • When the user is answering questions from the flow studio, the user can provide an utterance Go Back so that the chatbot will render the previous question that the user had answered.

  • As a chatbot user, you can now see the buttons associated with the chat bubbles load without the delay set in the waitTime property.

  • The border surrounding the docked view icon of the chatbot will no longer be visible.

Orbita Insights

  • You can save multiple Insights dashboards using the Project side menu option Dashboards.

    To save a Dashboard you have to use Embed code. You can obtain Embed code from the Insights share option.

Security fixes

  • Masked the Orbita domains exposed in the /api/organization API.

General Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that hinders the audio output from the chatbot.

  • Fixed the error that occurs when importing more than 300 topics in Answers.

  • In Insights, we have fixed a bug where the Insights user can view data from other environments. Now the Insights users can view the data of the logged-in environment only.

  • In Answers, fixed the alignment issue in the Facts Listing screen.

  • In Answers > Facts screen multimodal content editor, any links and images from the Text Tab are not displayed in Chatbot. This bug is now fixed.

  • The chatbot users can see the default placeholder text before the language pack’s placeholder text is loaded. We have implemented a fix that allows the chatbot users to see the language pack’s placeholder text when the chatbot is invoked.

  • In Experience Designer, the Reprompt text will now display/read from the Say node’s multimodal content editor in the Chatbot, and Google and Alexa voice assistants.

  • The state set in the Launch nodes will now be reflected in the Say nodes and the Intent nodes.

  • As an admin user, any changes you make to the Application Settings will now be saved without errors.

Engineering Notes

Additional technical information can be found in the Engineering Notes for each of the builds included in the GA Release.

Engineering Notes for Build 4.0.73

Engineering Notes for Build 4.0.74