Engineering Notes - Orbita Voice - 4.0.64 - Feb 06, 2020

Engineering Notes - Orbita Voice - 4.0.64 - Feb 06, 2020

Orbita is pleased to announce many important new features, fixes, and other improvements to Orbita Voice. This post summarizes what is new and changed in the latest versions of these platforms.

These improvements were pushed to most customer environments. If you do not see these changes in your Orbita environment and are interested in any of the features or fixes described, please contact your Orbita representative or email us support@orbita.ai.

Engineering Notes v4.0.64 at a glance

Orbita Voice 4.0.64

Product Enhancements

Experience Manager

  • During project export/import, upon successfully exporting or importing the json, a notification popup that the export/import is successful is shown to the user.

Flow Studio

  • In Options(choose many) control, added a checkbox “none of the above” in the choices tab. Enabling this will include the “none of the above” option in the chatbot along with the other choices.


  • Added a new tab “Reports” on the settings page. This tab contains the conflict in names within the Kgraph.

    • Conflicts between the topics' synonyms.

    • Conflicts between the relationships' synonyms.

    • Conflicts between the topic names and topic synonyms.

    • Conflicts between the topic names, topic synonyms, relationship names and relationship synonyms.

  • Autocomplete feature is enabled while adding related topics. An empty click on the text field will list all the topics except the current topic.

Bug Fixes

A few issues were fixed in the current release, including but not limited to the ones described here. If you have any questions regarding an issue not listed below, please contact us.

  • The link-in and link-out nodes will now retain the links while exporting the Experience Designer flows through an API