Engineering Notes - Documentation - June 24, 2017

Engineering Notes - Documentation - June 24, 2017

Orbita is pleased to announce the availability of new and updated KB Articles and help documentation. This post summarizes what is new and changed in the latest versions publicly available.

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Knowledge Base Articles

KB: Adding a New Intent—A new article explaining how to add an Intent and its associated Utterances to the Canvas. —(created 6/13/2017)

KB: Adding a New Utterance to an Intent—A new article explaining how to add Utterances to a new or existing Intent.—(created 6/12/2017)

KB: Updating the Interaction Model on Amazon Developer Site—This new article explains how to copy Intents and Utterances from Experience Designer into the Alexa Interaction Model.—(created 6/12/2017)

KB: Connecting Your Orbita Skill to Alexa—Documents the steps to take to create a Skill on the Amazon Developer site that corresponds to the Skill you created in Experience Designer.—(created 5/20/2017)

KB: Understanding and Using State—Documents how State can be used to properly execute a flow. Explains using State and None Intent.—(created 6/19/2017)

KB: Creating a Schema Definition—Documents how to create a schema in the Experience Manager for content, dynamic data, and personas of people using the voice application.—(created 6/15/2017)

KB: Updating a Schema Definition—How to add fields to an existing schema.—(created 6/1/2017)

KB: Accessing Values Stored in Msg.payload—An explanation of how to refer to Slot values and values found in the Session object.—(created 5/20/2017)

KB: Speech Synthesis Markup Language—A description of the ways you can instruct Alexa to say text. Also explains how to incorporate audio files.—(created 5/20/2017)

KB: Flowchart for the State Demo—A visual representation of the State Demo.—(created 6/1/2017)

KB: Rules for Sample Utterances—Explains how best to structure your Utterances, including how to handle abbreviations, possessives, and punctuation.—(created 6/2/2017)


Inline Instructional Documentation

Content Demo Instructional Copy—Instructions on how to use the Content and Debug nodes as they pertain to this demo.—(created 5/15/2017)

Survey Demo Instructional Copy—Instructions on how to use the Survey, Function, and Subflow nodes as they pertain to this demo.—(created 5/15/2017)

City Name Demo Instructional Copy—Instructions on how to use the Intent Request and Say nodes as they pertain to this demo.—(created 5/15/2017)

State Demo Instructional Copy—Explains how to use State to ensure correct processing of a flow depending on a user’s Utterances.—(created 6/20/2017)

Global Demo Instructional Copy—Instructions on the global nodes used to cancel or stop a flow, plus information on the None Intent node.—(created 5/15/2017)