3.2.19 User Management and User Management node
You can create, read, and update the user information using the User Manager node.
For example, using this node you can create/update a user in orbita, or you can impersonate a user.
The User Manager supports three action types:
Read. Query data based on the query defined in the payload
Create. Create a new user record based on the payload
Update. Update an existing user record based on the payload
The Payload is a JSON query. See examples in this topic regarding how to construct query params/payload data.
The output from this node is available at msg.data.userData
Getting user information by the logged-in user-id
{ "_id": "{{msg.payload.session.user.currentUserId}}"}
Getting user information by a custom user property
{ "personaProfile.deviceid": "{{msg.deviceId}}" }
Get orbita user information using firstname
{ "firstName" : "john"}
You can create a new record using this option.
"username" should be a valid email Id.
"provider" is an Optional parameter.
"suspended" is an Optional parameter.
"roles" is an Optional parameter.
"avatarSrc" is an Optional field.
You can update an existing record with this option
Example 1
Updating the first name.
Example 2
Updating the persona profile.
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