GA Release - 4.0.90

The list below represents the features, updates, and fixes included in the Orbita Voice GA Release for September 2021.



Answers vNext Beta

The Answers vNext beta is a new interface that allows you to create and manage your Knowledgebases and the corresponding questions with ease. It has a renewed, enriched, and fresh user experience, designed to help you focus on what is relevant. For more information about Answers vNextbeta, refer to

Solution Center

The Solution Center is the interface in the Orbita platform where the Business User can install the new or latest version of Orbita’s innovative health care solutions such as Live Agent Escalation, Symptom Triage, Program Registration, etc. with a single click. Refer to the documentation for more details,

Program Registration

The Program Registration allows you to collect user information in order to understand the users and better engage with them by sending notifications, reminders, etc. You can access the dashboards that help track program performance, monitor population, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the experience of the users. Refer to the documentation for more details,

Symptom Triage

The Symptom Triage solution uses the chatbot to do a preliminary screening of the patients by collecting information about their symptoms and triaging them based on predefined rules. It offers the providers and pharma professionals a safer, efficient, and quick solution that is responsive, easy to use, and with 24/7 availability. Refer to the documentation for more details,

Live Agent Escalation

The Live Agent Escalation solution gives the ability to transfer the conversation to a human agent. Refer to the documentation for more details,

Core Product Modules

Experience Manager


  • The NumberIntent and DateTimeIntent are added to the list of default intents that will be created while creating a new project in Experience Manager.

Core Platform

Experience Designer

  • You can now get the project ID dynamically during runtime using the below code in the function node

    const util = global.get('orbitaUtil'); let projectId = util.getProjectId(node); return msg;


  • While using the User manager node to create users, the payload contains personaType property which will now accept ids as well as strings.
    For example, personaType: "58c0587dc01db80f0019163c" or personaType: "Administrators"

  • The Answers Group Intent Node will now show Knowledge bases present in both Answers (V1) and Answers vNext (V2) modules.


General Improvements

  • Previously, the fonts sizes in the Metric type Visualizations of Orbita Insights are inconsistent. Now, all the font sizes in the Metric type Visualizations are fixed to 50pt to keep the style consistent.

  • Previously, when the bot has multiple card lists, the previously rendered card list is not displaying the last rendered card data in its detailed view. Now, the card list is displaying its card’s data.

  • Previously, the Mic input is not working on Android devices. Now, it is fixed.

  • Previously, on a mobile phone browser, when the dock view chatbot is opened and then collapsed, it takes multiple clicks on the back button to navigate the user to the previous page. Now, when the dock view chatbot is opened on a mobile browser, clicking on the back button on a mobile phone takes the user to the parent page (collapses the chatbot). Clicking on the back button from the parent page will navigate to the previous page.

  • Previously, when micMode=auto and the user gives the input using the mic, it's not automatically posted. Now, when micMode=auto and autoPost=true and the user gives the input using the mic, it will get posted automatically.

  • Previously, the event-based intent is not triggered when Redis is enabled. It is now fixed.

  • Previously, in the flow studio listing page, the search results contains other flow studio flow names. Now, the search result will list all the flow studios that contain the search word within its components such as the flow studio name, description, controls, and so on.

Release 4.0.90

  • Build 1630419768

Patch fixes

  • Build 1633523140:

    • Previously, in Alexa devices, the Repeat intent is not working after triggering the Answers Group Intent. This bug is now fixed.

    • Previously, the data from the Analytics node were logged in Orbita Insights. Now, we are skipping the Analytics node data into the logger and elastic search index.

    • Previously, when the Orbita chatbot is loaded on Android devices, the mic input is not working. Now, the Orbita chatbot’s mic will work as expected in both Android and iOS devices.

    • Previously, it requires more than one click on the desktop browser’s back button or mobile phone’s to navigate to the previous page.
      Now, on the Desktop, if the chatbot is open in dock view and the browser’s back button is clicked it will navigate the user to the previous page. On mobile, if the chatbot is open in dock view and the browser’s back button is clicked it will navigate to the parent page. Clicking the back button from the parent page will navigate to the previous page.

    • Previously, you can rename a project with another existing project’s name. This caused some unwanted consequences such as disappearing of Experience Designer flows of a project. Now, you will not be able to rename a project with an existing project name.

    • Previously, In the Experience Manager, when the user tries to deploy the interaction model of a new project to the google agent, there is an error message "project name already exists". Now, this is fixed and you can deploy the interaction model of a new project to the google agent without errors.

    • If you want to skip logging of any custom endpoint created via the Experience Designer, please reach out to