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  1. To render the scheduler directive, you should switch to chatbot version - v2 in the Bot view template node.

  2. API to get the scheduled times.

  3. URLs of the images from Orbita backend. see How do I upload an image? for more information.


The Scheduler directive lets you render the time and date in a window from which the user can choose the time and date of his/her appointment.


Please note that if there is a custom value provided by the User for OE_HTTP_NODE root in the environment level, please use /{{customName}}. By default, the value defined for OE_HTTP_NODE_ROOT will be /oeapi.

For example, var timeSlotsServerURL = '/{{customName}}/gettimeslots-support';

Sample scheduler directive:

Code Block
if(!msg.payload.orbita) {
    msg.payload.orbita = {}

// Set the Url for getting time slots
var timeSlotsServerURL = '/oeapi/gettimeslots-support';

// Create the scheduler Directive
msg.payload.orbita.directive= [{  
    "type": "scheduler",
    "title": "<h3>Title of the Window</h3>", 
    "headercard": {
        "fullName": "Header Text",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "address": "Header address",
        "name": "Header Name",
        "description": "Header Description"
    "calendar": {
        "startDate": "", // if empty start from current date
        "endDate": "", //if empty end with next 30 day's,
        "title": `<strong>Available Times:</strong>`,
        "description": "Please select a time that is convenient for you.",
        "getTimeUrl":timeSlotsServerURL, // http url to load the available slots dynamically. 
    "subList": {
        "title": "Sublist title",
        "items": [{
            "fullName": "Item fullname 1",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "description": "Item description 1",
            "name": 'Item Name 1',
            "address": '',
            "phone": '',
            "paramName": `facility`,
            "fullName": "Item fullname 2",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "description": "Item description 2",
            "name": 'Item Name 2',
            "address": '',
            "phone": '',
            "paramName": `facility`,
            "fullName": "Item fullname 3",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "description": "Item description 3",
            "name": 'Item Name 3',
            "address": '',
            "phone": '',
            "paramName": `facility`,
    "buttons": [{
        "text": "Select Appointment",
        "type": "javascript",
        "value": "orbitaAction.schedulerDir.submitAction()",
        "icon": "<i class=\"fa fa-map-marker\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"

return msg;

Parameters used for Scheduler



"type": "scheduler"

The type property should be set as “scheduler”.

"title": "<h3>Title of the Window</h3>",

The Title of the Scheduler window.

"headercard": {
"fullName": "Header Text",
"imageUrl": "URL",
"address": "Header address",
"name": "Header Name",
"description": "Header Descr"


  • fullName -The full name of the Header.

  • imageUrl -The URL of the header image.

  • address -The address of the header.

  • name -Short name of the header to render it in the card.

  • description -The text from the description property is rendered in the scheduler window.

"calendar": {
"startDate": "",
"endDate": "",
"title": <strong>slot:</strong>,
"description": "Select a time",
"availableTimes": []


  • startDate - The date from which the calendar should start. If left empty, the calendar starts from the current date.

  • endDate - The date until which the calendar gets rendered. If left empty, the calendar ends after 30 days from the startDate.

  • title - The title for the timeslots section in the scheduler window.

  • description - The description for the timeslots section in the scheduler window.

  • getTimeUrl - API for fetching the available time slots. As an example, random time slots are generated and rendered using a function node in the sample flow json (attached).

"subList": {
"title": "Sublist title",
"items": [{
"fullName": "Item fullname1",
"imageUrl": "URL",
"description": "Item desc1",
"name": 'Item Name 1',
"address": '',
"phone": '',
"paramName": `facility`,


  • title - The title of the sub-list section in the scheduler window.

  • items - Items can be a doctor, or a hospital, or a drive location, and so on.

    • fullName - Full name for each item.

    • imageUrl - Url of the item’s Image.

    • description - Description of the item.

    • name - You can give a short name for each item.

    • address - Optional

    • phone - Optional

    • paramValue - Unique identifier for the item.

You can use this value to create item based logic.
For example, user defined

    • Use it your custom logic to define timeslots for each item.

    • paramName - This

should always be `facility` to be able to use the paramValue.The paramName should be `facility` and the paramValue should be a unique
    • property is reflected in the msg object at msg.payload.queryResult.parameters.freeText.0.<paramName>.

"buttons": [{
"text": "Select Appointment",
"type": "javascript",
"icon": "<i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i>"


  • text - The button text

  • value - The button action to be performed on click.

Clicking on the button generates a chat bubble with the appointment details. You can change the contents of the chat bubble from the chat.js. (scheduler - index.js file)


You will get the paramName and paramValue at msg.payload.queryResult.parameters.freeText.0.facility

The time and date that the user selected in the Scheduler directive will be at msg.payload.queryResult.parameters.freeText.0.time and respectively.


Time Slot API

You can use an API to create a set of timeslots for your selected item. The variable in the above example code is created for the same.


Code Block
var result = [];

var slots;
if (msg.payload.facilityID == "Param1") {
    slots = [
        {"text":"Morning","value":"10:30 AM"},
        {"text":"Afternoon","value":"2:00 PM"}]    
else if (msg.payload.facilityID == "Param2"){
    slots = [
        {"text":"Evening","value":"4:30 PM"},
        {"text":"Night","value":"7:00 PM"}]
else {
    slots = [
        {"text":"Morning","value":"10:30 AM"},
        {"text":"Afternoon","value":"2:00 PM"},
        {"text":"Evening","value":"4:30 PM"},
        {"text":"Night","value":"7:00 PM"}]

msg.payload = slots
return msg;


Free text Intent

To continue the flow after you select an appointment, you have to trigger the Free Text Intent.

Invoke Scheduler with Flow studio

The best way to use a scheduler directive is with flow studio.

The Custom control that triggers the scheduler directive should be connected to the Single Input control with the Input Type as Textbox in the Directive tab.


In the Experience Designer, you have to connect the autogenerated OrbitaFlowMessages Intent tothe Flow Manager node.

Invoke Scheduler with an intent

  1. Connect the Scheduler directive to an Intent as shown in the below screenshot.

    Image Added
  2. Set a state for the Scheduler directive.

    Code Block
    msg.payload.orbita.state = "Scheduler"
  3. Create a Free Text Intent.

    Image Added
  4. Use the free text intent with the same state set in the scheduler directive node.

    Image Added

Sample Scheduler directive flow
