Medication node

Medication node

The Medication node is used for capturing the medication tasks of the logged-in user.


  • Introduction. When the Medication node is triggered by the Launch node, and if a medication task is present, then this text is prefixed to the output.

  • Description. This Checkbox, when enabled, appends the description text of the medication task with the output text from the node.

  • Reason Prompt. When Intents with Not taking Medication are triggered, this Reason Prompt text is sent to the output pin 2.


  • 1st Output pin. This pin is triggered when the Medication node is triggered by the Launch node and when the user does not have any medication tasks for him within a range of one hour.

  • 2nd Output pin. This pin is triggered for the following cases.

    • Case 1. When a None Intent Request node is triggered.

    • Case 2. When the medication node is triggered by the Launch node and if there is an unfinished medication task present for the user.

    • Case 3. When there are medication tasks for the user but the user triggers a notTakingMedication intent.

    • Case 4. When NoIntent is triggered without assigning a state.

  • 3rd Output pin. Normal response output from the node.

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