How to use Annotations in Intents

In Orbita, while creating intents, you can annotate words into the slots that are used in the utterances. When you annotate, Dialogflow considers the annotated words along with slot values.

In General, If you want your intent to recognize a user's utterance about their favorite color, you could define the following training phrases as below using slots:

I like {color}

My favorite color is {color}


{color} is my favorite

But, if you want to add more colors to the utterance on the go without adding them to slots, you can add the annotations within the curly braces in the utterances separated by a comma. The annotation words should be separated from the slot name with a pipe (|) symbol.

I like {magenta|color}
My favorite color is {cyan|color}
{jade,turkish|color} is my favorite

The annotation words defined in the utterances are specific to the intent.

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