Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.




"languageCode": "en-US"

You can select the language accent in which you want the output voice using this property.

You can choose from the below:

Arabic — ar-XA, Bengali (India) — bn-IN, Chinese (Hong Kong) — yue-HK, Czech (Czech Republic) — cs-CZ, Danish (Denmark) — da-DK, Dutch (Netherlands) — nl-NL, English (Australia) — en-AU, English (India) — en-IN, English (UK) — en-GB, English (US) — en-US, Filipino (Philippines) — fil-PH, Finnish (Finland) — fi-FI, French (Canada) — fr-CA, French (France) — fr-FR, German (Germany) — de-DE, Greek (Greece) — el-GR, Gujarati (India) — gu-IN, Hindi (India) — hi-IN, Hungarian (Hungary) — hu-HU, Indonesian (Indonesia) — id-ID, Italian (Italy) — it-IT, Japanese (Japan) — ja-JP, Kannada (India) — kn-IN, Korean (South Korea) — ko-KR, Malayalam (India) — ml-IN, Mandarin Chinese — cmn-CN, Mandarin Chinese (Taiwan) — cmn-TW, Norwegian (Norway) — cmnnb-TWNO, Polish (Poland) — nbpl-NOPL, Portuguese (Brazil) — plpt-PLBR, Portuguese (Portugal) — pt-BRPT, Romanian (Romania) — ptro-PTRO, Russian (Russia) — roru-RORU, Slovak (Slovakia) — rusk-RUSK, Spanish (Spain) — skes-SKES, Swedish (Sweden) — essv-ESSE, Tamil (India) — ta-IN, Telugu (India) — sv-SE) — te-IN, Thai (Thailand) — th-TH, Turkish (Turkey) — tr-TR, Ukrainian (Ukraine) — uk-UA, Vietnamese (Vietnam) — vi-VN.

"ssmlGender": "FEMALE"

You can also choose the gender for the voice output.

You can choose from FEMALE and MALE.

"name": "en-US-Wavenet-G"

You can try out different variations on how the voice output can be with this property.
Please refer to Google documentation on voices

This property will override the language and ssmlGender properties.

"audioEncoding": "MP3"

You can choose the audio encoding of your choice from the below mentioned.

  1. LINEAR16 - Uncompressed 16-bit signed little-endian samples (Linear PCM).

  2. MP3 - MP3 audio.

  3. OGG_OPUS - Opus encoded audio wrapped in an ogg container.


Code Block
  "orbitaPayload"       : {},
  "text"                : "",
  "reprompt"            : "",
  "sessionEnd"          : false, 
  "ssml"                : "",
  "waitTime"            : "",
  "ssmlReprompt"        : 250,
  "clearSession"        : true,
  "replaceWord"         : {}
  "waitTimeNoAnimation" : false,
  "micInput"            : true,
  "validRegexArray"     : {},
  "keyboardInput"       : true,
  "waitSettings"        : { mode: 'dynamic', wpm: 300},
  "audio"               : false,
  "keyboardInput"       : true





The following payload displays the contents from the Multi-Modal Content editor.

Code Block


The following payload displays the content from the Chat Text window in the Text tab from the Multi-Modal Content editor.

Code Block


The following payload displays the content from the Reprompt window in the Text tab from the Multi-Modal Content editor.

Code Block


The following property gives a Boolean value, true or false. If the End Session checkbox is enabled, then the sessionEnd value is true.

Code Block

ssml and ssmlReprompt

The voice tab text when converted to speech is in ssml format. In the Voice tab, the content and corresponding payloads are:

  • Say text window

    Code Block
  • Reprompt window

    Code Block


The time (in milliseconds), the bot must wait before displaying another chat bubble in a sequence. The default value for waitTime is set to 250.

Code Block

To change the waitTime, use the following JSON code.

Code Block
msg.payload.waitTime = "1000"


The clearSession gives you a Boolean output, true or false. If this value is true, then the current session details are erased. The default value for clearSession is false.

Code Block

Use the following sample code to set clearSessionto true.

Code Block
msg.payload.clearSession = true


A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning and/or spelling (such as read, or wind). While giving voice commands to the bot, homophones can be misinterpreted. You can choose to replace such words with the actual words in the context using replaceWord.

Code Block

The following sample code is for a replaceWord array.

Code Block
msg.payload.replaceWord =  
    "one"   : ["won"],
    "two"   : ["to", "too"],
    "four"  : ["for","fore"],
    "six"   : ["sex"],
    "eight" : ["ate"],
    "ten"   : ["tan", "tin"]


The status of wait time animation is shown in the following payload. The default value for waitTimeNoAnimation is false.

Code Block

The following code sets waitTimeNoAnimation to true.

Code Block
msg.payload.waitTimeNoAnimation = true


The status of the microphone input setting is shown in the following payload. The default value for micInput is true.

micInput provided in this node will take priority over the Flow Studio Directive.

Code Block

The following code shows how to set micInput to false.

Code Block
msg.payload.micInput = false


The status of the mic input setting is shown in the payload below. The default value for validRegexArray is set to true.

Code Block

The following code sets the validRegexArray array.

Code Block
msg.payload.validRegexArray = 
    "Q1":["\\b(q|cute|queue|cue|quarter|Q on|queue on|21|key wine|key one|you on|you one|into one)\\s+(one|fun|wine)\\b"],


The status of the text input field is shown in the following payload. The default value for keyboardInput is true.

Code Block

If this value is set to false, the text input field will be hidden.

Code Block
msg.payload.keyboardInput = false;


Audio output from the chatbot can be controlled using this property.

Code Block

Setting the property value to true will enable the speaker and generate audio output even if the user has manually disabled the speaker using the speaker icon at the top right corner of the chatbot.

Setting the property value to false will hide the speaker icon and will not generate the audio output.

Sample Code:

Code Block = false;

Example flow in Experience Designer


Refer Orbita Web Chat, to set up Orbita Web Chat in on your website.

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