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Document Title: Orbita Program Registration Solution

Solution Center: V 1.01.0

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Solution Component Description

nameSolution Description

The Orbita Program Registration solution provides conversational experiences while getting the users enrolled in an organization program.

Program registration is an Out-of-the-Box installation solution that comes with all the necessary tools to create a more efficient experience enrolling in a support/follow-up program in a personalized and adaptive conversational meant to collect user information to understand users and better engage with them by sending notifications, reminders, etc.

On the business side, you will have access to pre-built dashboards that help track program performance, enhance the experience, monitor population, and make data-driven decisions.

Why was it created?

Orbita Solution Center offers packaged pre-built experiences. All the solutions Solution Component have been designed with the goals of improving time-to-value and decreasing implementation time. ( Learn more about Solution Center here: 4.0 Orbita Solution Center

The solution Solution Component Program Registration provides conversational experiences while getting the users enrolled in the organization’s programs.

Program registration is an Out-of-the-Box installation solution Solution Component that comes with all the necessary tools to create a more efficient experience enrolling in a support/follow-up program in a personalized and adaptive conversational manner.

What is its purpose?

The purpose is to collect user information to understand users and better engage with them by sending notifications, reminders, etc.

On the business side, you will have access to pre-built dashboards that help track program performance, enhance the experience, monitor population, and make data-driven decisions.

How does it work?

It starts with the user receiving a link (e.g via email) from to access the virtual assistant which will then help the user to register to the program s/he got asked to enroll in.

Solution Component Installation

How do you install it?

The solution Solution Component comes with all prebuilt and customizable conversation flows, dashboards, and interaction models.

  1. Login to Experience Manager

  2. Navigate to your project > Project side navigation menu > Create > Solution Center> Solutions.

  3. Click the Add button against the Program Registration solution Solution Component to install it to your project.

  4. You will see the below pop-up message after the solution Solution Component is installed successfully.

  5. You can click on the Remove button to uninstall the Program Registration Solution SSolution Component from your project.

Post Installation

After installing the Program Registration solutionSolution Component, you have to add an Event name (progregwelcome) to the intent named ProgramRegistrationWelcomeIntent.


This ProgramRegistrationWelcomeIntent intent is a part of the Program Registration solutionSolution Component. Uninstalling the Program Registration solution Solution Component will delete the ProgramRegistrationWelcomeIntent intent.
Updating the solution Solution Component will reset the Intents which are created as a part of this solution Solution Component to its default state. You have to add the event name to the intent after an update.

  1. Go to Project side navigation bar > Intent Library and locate the intent named “ProgramRegistrationWelcomeIntent“.

  2. Click on the vertical ellipses icon and select Edit.

  3. Add the progregwelcome to the events field and press Enter.

  4. Save the intent.

  5. Navigate to Project side navigation menu > Develop > Deployment > Google tab. Publish the interaction model to Google.

Enable Elastic Search Index

To capture user input from chatbot in Elastic Search:

  1. Navigate to the Experience Manager > Side navigation menu > Develop > Schemas.

  2. Select the schema named “Program Registration User Info“.

  3. Enable the “Elastic Search Index“.

Configure Settings

Program Registration solution Solution Component has configuration options, such as mail subject, disclaimer, email body content, etc.

  1. After installing the Program Registration solutionSolution Component, click on the Configure Button.

  2. This will open a window as shown below.

  3. You can configure the email subject, disclaimer, body, and so on here.
    The sample code is given below:

    Code Block
        "emailDisclaimer": "<p data-renderer-start-pos=\"75\">The information you provide will only be used by [<em data-renderer-mark=\"true\">Brand</em>], our affiliates, and our service providers, to contact you via phone and email about the [<em data-renderer-mark=\"true\">Brand</em>] Select program and to fulfill your optional requests as indicated below. You may request to be removed from our contact list by using the unsubscribe link in any email we send or by calling 1-888-CELATYNE (1-888-927-XXXX).</p>\n\n<p data-renderer-start-pos=\"455\">Our Privacy Policy [<em data-renderer-mark=\"true\">Link to: privacy policy</em>] further governs the use of the information you provide.</p>\n\n<p data-renderer-start-pos=\"558\">By submitting your information, you agree that you have read, understand, and agree to these terms.</p>\n",
        "emailBody": "<p>Hi,</p>\n\n<p>We invite you to check out our bot and get registered by clicking the below link:</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"__BOT_URL__\">Program Registration</a>.</p>\n\n<p>Thanks.</p>\n",
        "emailSubject": "Invite for Program Registration",
        "ackEmailSubject": "Thank you for registering!",
        "ackEmailBody": "<p>Hi {{msg.payload.firstname}} {{msg.payload.lastname}},</p>\n\n<p>      Thank you for registering to the program.<em data-renderer-mark=\"true\"> </em></p>\n\n<p>Thank you.</p>\n",
        "botUrl": "/oeapi/bot/program-registration",
        "oeEventName": "progregwelcome",
        "debug": false

  4. The user has to add value to the property oeEventName. By default, it will be empty. It is recommended to give "oeEventName": "progregwelcome"

  5. Please change the botUrl with the current project bot URL configured in the Experience Designer.

  6. Change the config settings as required and click Save.


Email sent by Orbita after registering to the program successfully.


Campaign API

Follow this document to send campaign emails for program registration. Campaign API Additionally, for the Program Registration package, when using the custom Email Template please add the __BOT_URL__ parameter in the template like shown below. This property will bear the Bot URL in the email sent.


Integrating chatbot v3

Please follow the chatbot v3 documentation to import the v3 bot Chatbot V3. Alternatively, if there is a v3 bot already set up, we can integrate the Live agent escalation package with the same.

Use the Experience Designer> menu option> Import> Clipboard action to import the v3 bot code into the Experience designer.


Please do the following manual steps:

  • Add the following code in the Function node before the Template node.

    Code Block
    const util = global.get('orbitaUtil');
    msg.projectId = util.getProjectId(node);
    msg.eventName = msg.req.query.oeevent;
    msg.key = msg.req.query.key;
    return msg;
  • Add the below code within the <head> tag of the Template node.

Code Block
<link href="/oeapi/{{projectId}}/pr.css" rel="stylesheet">
  • Add the below code within the <body> tag at the last of the Template node.

Code Block
<script src="" integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="/oeapi/{{projectId}}/pr.js"></script>
  • Add the below code within the <script> tag under <body> element.

Code Block
  eventName: 'beforeSentRequest',
  callbackFunction: function(payload) {
    if (payload.text === 'open') {
      payload.requestData.query.oeevent = "{{&eventName}}";
    payload.requestData.query.key = "{{&key}}";

If beforeSentRequest is already registered in the existing v3 chatbot, please add the following snippet alone in the callbackFunction

Code Block
if (payload.text === 'open') {
  payload.requestData.query.oeevent = "{{&eventName}}";
payload.requestData.query.key = "{{&key}}";

Image Added


After the solution installation, you can access the pre-built dashboards from the Project side navigation menu > Report > Dashboards.


What dashboards & visualizations are available and what purpose do they serve?

For Program registration, there are 3 different dashboards available.

  1. Program Registration Dashboard contains PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following metrics visual:

    1. Email link clicked #

    2. Email conversation Rate %

    3. Total Users Registered

    4. Registration Conversion Rate

    5. Age Bar graph

    6. Registration overtime

    7. Location Map

    8. Pie Charts - Notification Preferences

    9. Individual DataTable

  2. Detailed User Responses contains PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following table:

    1. Individual DataTable

  3. Program Registration Dashboard does not contain PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following metrics visual:

    1. Email link clicked #

    2. Email conversion Rate %

    3. Total Users Registered

    4. Registration Conversion Rate

    5. Location Map

    6. Age Bar graph

    7. Registration overtime

    8. Pie Charts:

      1. Notification Preferences

Sample screenshot of the dashboard.


Customizing the dashboard

You can create your own visualizations for the program registration in Insights. Refer, Guide to Orbita Insights


Program Registration solution data is captured in the data-<environment>-backend.userinfo index pattern.

Solution Customization

How can I update content and phrases?

To change the bot responses, you can navigate to the flow studio flows and make changes to the content present in the flow studio controls.



Upgrading the solution will override the post installation changes, such as modifying the welcome text, except the configuration settings.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your CS representative or contact

How to update the branding of the chatbot?

You can customize the chatbot appearance using CSS and JS. For more information on customizing the appearances of your chatbot, refer


This solution does not come with out-of-the-box 3rd party integrations but all the 3rd party integrations supported by the platform can be used with the Program Registration Solution.
For example, you can integrate the Program Registration Solution with google maps to get the latitude and longitude of the zip-code shared by the user during the registration process.

Video Link

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