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Facts Manager node

Facts manager node will extract the facts, related topics, questions, and so on based on your choicetopics, relationships, and/or questions.


Project - Name of the project.

K-Graph - You can either select the K-Graph from the dropdown or pass the Pass the Kgraph Id in the property msg.payload.orbita.facts.kgraphid. The K-Graph id passed through the payload property will take priority.

Topic - This The Facts Manager node will fetch the topic name when required from the payload property msg.payload.orbita.facts.topic

Relationship - This The Facts Manager node will fetch the topic name when required from the payload property msg.payload.orbita.facts.relationship

Question - This  The Facts Manager node will fetch the topic name when required from the payload property msg.payload.orbita.facts.questions

Article Property - If you have a custom schema defined for the K-Graph, place the path to the property, where the fact is stored in your custom schema.

Populate - Based on the selected items in this field, the node will fetch and populate the data in the payload object msg.payload.hub


Populate Option


Facts - The input should be topics and/or relationships. The output will be corresponding facts.


Relationships - Input should be topics and the output will be the corresponding relationships.


Related topics - Input should be topic and the output will be related topics.



Additional comments


Topic and Relationship

Corresponding Facts

If the topic or relationship or both are missing, the node will output all the facts listed in the K-Graph. You can set a limit to the output result using msg.payload.hub.facts.paging.itemCount



Corresponding Relationships

Related topics


Related Topics

Relationship Facts


Corresponding Relationships' facts.

Related Questions



Related topics' questions


All Questions



List of all the questions from the selected K-Graph



First Question



First questions from all the topics of the K-Graph selected


Facts by




Corresponding facts

Engage Organization

Project (Populated by default)

Organization's details from the current project


Related Facts



Related topics' facts.

Hub Settings


Project (Populated by default)

Hub related content from the current project.


How to use Facts Manager node

Facts Manager node is created especially for Engage. But based on your business use cases, you can use this node to fetch the questions, related topics, facts, and so on.

For example, in a K-Graph named “FAQ - Fact mngr“, we have created Facts with the Topic "Voice Search" and the Relationships “Description”, “Benefit“, “Optimization“, ”Implementation” in it.


If you want to know all the relationships associated with the topic Voice search, you can use the Fact Manager node and get the result.

Sample Experience Designer flow


  1. Set the topic using the function node that feeds to the Facts Manager node.
    Sample code for the function node:

    Code Block
    var _ = global.get('lodash');
    _.set(msg, 'payload.orbita.facts.topic',"Voice search")
    return msg;
  2. Select the K-Graph and select Relationships from the populate field in the Facts Manager node.

    Image Added
  3. You will get the list of all the Relationships associated with the topic Voice search in the debug tab at


If you did not select the Knowledge Graph in step 2, you will get the error “Mandatory field kgraphId is missing“ on the Facts Manager node in the Experience Designer. (Refer to screenshot below for the error message.)


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