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Table of Contents

Getting Started

Orbita Insights is an analytics module that provides engagement analytics for conversational experiences. The goal of Orbita Insights is to provide organizations insight into the metrics that matter for their application.

Using Orbita Insights, you can easily perform advanced data analysis and visualize your data in a variety of charts, tables, and maps. Orbita Insights makes it easy to understand large volumes of data and quickly create and share dynamic dashboards that display changes in real-time.

From the navigation pane, you will be able to choose the below options.


Orbita Insights can be accessed only by the users with the Insights permissions in the Global menu > Permission settings, in the Experience Manager.

  1. Log into Experience Manager.

  2. Select a project.

  3. Select Insights from the left-hand side menu bar.

  4. Enter the login credentials on the Orbita Insights login page.

    Note: The session timeout period for Orbita Insights is 30 minutes. Post 30 minutes of inactivity, the user must log in to continue using Orbita Insights.

  5. Upon login, the landing page will be the Voice Agent Dashboard of the project for which the Analytics data is queried for.

You can see the side menu icons Discover, Visualize, Dashboard, Management each elaborated in the below sections.


You can interactively explore your data from the Discover page. You have access to all documents in every index that matches the selected index pattern. You can submit search queries, filter the search results, and view document data. You can also see the number of documents that match the search query and get field value statistics. If a time field is configured for the selected index pattern, the distribution of documents over time is displayed in a histogram at the top of the page.

Query Search bar

You can search for the indices that match the current index pattern by entering your search criteria in the Query bar.

When you submit a search request, the Histogram, Documents table, and Fields list will be updated to reflect the search results. The total number of hits (matching documents) is shown in the toolbar.

The Documents table shows the first 500 hits. By default, the hits are listed in reverse chronological order, with the newest documents shown first. You can reverse the sort order by clicking the Time column header. You can also sort the table by the values in any indexed field.


Options in the search bar will let you create your queries. Just start typing and you’ll see matches related to your data. Please note that this functionality is experimental. Toggle the “Turn on query features” to turn on/off the autocomplete feature.

Filtering by field

You can filter the search results to display only those documents that contain a particular value in a field. You can also create negative filters that exclude documents that contain the specified field value.

You can add field filters from the Fields list, the Documents table, or by manually adding a filter. In addition to creating positive and negative filters, the Documents table enables you to filter whether a field is present or not.

The applied filters are shown below the Query bar.

To add a filter from the Fields list

  1. Click the name of the field you want to filter. Each field displayed in the selected fields section will show the top five values for that field.

  2. To add a positive filter, click Positive Filter. This includes only those documents that contain that value in the field.

  3. To add a negative filter, click Negative Filter. This excludes documents that contain that value in the field.

To add a filter from the Documents table

  1. Expand a document in the Documents table by clicking Expand to the left of the document’s table entry.

  2. To add a positive filter, click Positive Filter to the right of the field name. This includes only documents that contain that value in the field.

  3. To add a negative filter, click Negative Filter to the right of the field name. This excludes documents that contain that value in the field.

  4. Toggle (display/not display) the field column in the document table.

  5. To filter on whether or not documents contain the field, click Exists to the right of the field name. This includes only those documents that contain the field.

To manually add a filter

  1. Click Add a filter. A popup is displayed for you to create the filter.

  2. Select a field to filter from the dropdown. This list of fields includes fields from the index pattern you selected.

  3. Choose an operation for your filter. You will see the Value field if you choose is, is not, is one of, is not one of operators.

  4. Choose the values for your filter.

  5. Toggle the create a custom label to label your filter. If you specify a label, it is displayed below the query bar.

  6. Click Save. The filter will be applied to your search and be displayed below the query bar.

Managing a filter

Click on the filter to get the action dropdown menu.

Pin across all apps

Pinned filters persist when you switch contexts in Orbita Insights.
For example, you can pin a filter on the Discover page, and it remains in place when you switch to the Visualize page. Note that a filter is based on a particular index field—if the indices being searched don’t contain the field in a pinned filter, it has no effect.

Edit Filter

This enables you to modify the filter definition.

You can edit a filter by changing the field, operator, or value associated with the filter (see the Add Filter section above), or by directly modifying the filter query (Edit as Query DSL). The Edit Query DSL will let you create more complex filters with multiple fields and conditions.

  1. To edit the filter query, click Edit as Query DSL.

  2. You can then edit the filter query.

Exclude results

From all the documents, the filtered results will be excluded i.e; switching the filter from positive to negative. You will now see an option to Include results that will do just the opposite.

Temporarily disable

Disable the filter without removing it. Click again to re-enable the filter.


Removes the filter.

Document Table

When you submit a search query, the 500 most recent documents that match the query are listed in the Documents table.

You can configure the number of documents shown in the table by setting the Number of rows (discover:sampleSize)property in Advanced Settings.

By default, the table shows the localized version of the time field configured for the selected index pattern and the document “_source. You can add fields to the Documents table from the Fields list. You can sort the listed documents by any indexed field that’s included in the table.

  • To view a document’s fields and its data, click the arrow button to the left of each entry in the document table. Click again to collapse.

  • Click the JSON tab to view the JSON structure of the document.

  • Click on the View surrounding documents to view the next/previous 5 documents.

  • To view the document as full-page, click View single documents.

  • To display or hide a field’s column in the Documents table, click the Toggle column in the table button.


You can sort the documents in the Documents table by the values in any indexed field. If a time field is configured for the current index pattern, the documents are sorted in reverse chronological order by default.

To change the sort order, hover over the name of the field you want to sort by and click the sort button. Click again to reverse the sort order.

Adding field columns

You can add fields to the table from the Fields list or from a document’s field data.

  • To add a field column from the Available fields list, hover over the field and click add.

  • To add a field column to the document table, expand the document and click the Toggle column in the table against the field you would like to add as a column.

  • Added field columns replace the _source column in the Documents table. The added fields are also added to the Selected Fields list.

  • To rearrange the field columns, hover over the header of the column you want to move and click Move left or Move right.

Removing field columns

To remove a field column from the Documents table, hover over the header of the column you want to remove and click the Remove button.

Time Picker

The time filter restricts the search results to a specific time period. You can set a time filter if your index contains time-based events and a time field is configured for the selected index pattern.

By default, the time filter is set to the “last 7 days”. You can use the Time Picker to change the time filter or select a specific time interval or time range in the histogram at the top of the page.

To set a time filter with the Time Picker

Calendar Icon

  1. Click on the calendar icon to get a dropdown.

  2. You will see Quick Select, Commonly used, Recently used date ranges, and Refresh every sections in the drop down.

Quick Select

You can select the required relative time frame and click apply to get the results.

Commonly used

The most commonly used time intervals are listed here.

Recently used

The list of 10 most recently used time intervals are listed here for you to select quickly.

Refresh every

This will help you monitor the real-time data in insights by refreshing at the interval specified.

Add a number and select the time measurement and click on Start.

Time Picker

  1. Click on the time picker field to get a dropdown.

  2. The time picker is further divided into Start date (left side of the timepicker)and End date (Right side of the timepicker). Indicated by the bluebar at the bottom of the time picker.

  3. You can select from Absolute, Relative, and Now.


You can pick a start date and time from the calendar or you can type the date in the correct format at the bottom of the dropdown.


To specify a time filter relative to the current time, click the Relative tab and specify the start time as a number of - seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years. You can also specify the end time relative to the current time. Relative times can be in the past or future.

The toggle button will change the start date to the beginning of the corresponding measurement chosen (day/week/month and so on).


Set the start date to now.

To set a time filter from the histogram

  1. Click on one of the histogram bars to zoom in further.

  2. Click and drag to view a specific time span within the histogram. You must start the selection with the cursor over the background of the chart—the cursor changes to a plus sign when you hover over a valid start point.


Visualize enables you to create visualizations of the data in your search indices. You can then build dashboards that display related visualizations.

Orbita Insights visualizations are based on search queries. By using a series of search aggregations to extract and process your data, you can create charts that show you the trends, spikes, and dips you need to know about.

You can create visualizations from a search saved from Discover or start with a new search query.

Creating a Visualization

To create a visualization

  1. Click on the Visualize icon on the side navigation.

  2. Click the Create New Visualization button.

  3. Choose the visualization type.

  4. Specify a search query to retrieve the data for your visualization:

    • To enter new search criteria, select the index pattern for the indices that contain the data you want to visualize. This opens the visualization builder with a wildcard query that matches all the documents in the selected indices.

    • To build a visualization from a saved search, click the name of the saved search you want to use. This opens the visualization builder and loads the selected query.

  5. In the visualization builder, choose the metric aggregation for the visualization’s Y-axis.

  6. For the visualizations X-axis, select a bucket aggregation and field.

Bar, line, or area chart visualizations use metrics for the y-axis and buckets for the x-axis. Buckets are analogous to SQL GROUP BY statements. Pie charts use the metric for the slice size and the bucket for the number of slices.

You can further break down the data by specifying sub aggregations. The first aggregation determines the data set for any subsequent aggregations. Sub aggregations are applied in order, you can drag the aggregations to change the order in which they’re applied.

Enter a string in the Custom Label field to change the display label.


Users can make use of built-in Dashboards provided by Orbita. The users can clone the built-in dashboards and tweak them according to their business requirements.

Select a dashboard or create a new dashboard.

The Toolbar menu of the Dashboard consists of below items:

  • Address bar. Location of the current page.

  • Full Screen. Full-screen mode of the Dashboard. Click the blue icon at the bottom left corner to get the normal view again.

  • Share. Only admin users or users with insights permissions will be able to log in and access the dashboard using shared links.

    • Share this Dashboard.

      • Embed code. Use this code to embed the insights dashboard anywhere. This code can be used to save Dashboards in Experience Manager.

      • Permalinks. The URLs can be shared to other admins or users with insights permissions to view the dashboard you created.

  • Clone. Clone this Dashboard with a new name.

  • Edit. Edit the fields or visualizations of this dashboard

  • Refresh. Refresh the dashboard to update it with the latest data.

  • Time Picker. You can pick the time interval for your dashboard.

  • Search Bar. Below the top menu, there is a search bar where you can search the indices that match the current index pattern by entering your search criteria in the Query bar.


The management page consists of Index Patterns, Saved Objects, and Advanced Settings.

Index Patterns

Index Patterns tell Orbita Insights which search indices to explore. An index pattern can match the name of a single index or include a wildcard (*) to match multiple indices.

Open Management, and then click Index Patterns.

An index pattern identifies one or more search indices that you want to explore with Orbita Insights. Orbita Insights looks for index names that match the specified pattern. An asterisk (*) in the pattern matches zero or more characters.

For example, the pattern myindex-* matches all indices whose names start with myindex-, such as myindex-1 and myindex-2. An index pattern can also simply be the name of a single index.

Click Create index pattern button at the top right corner of the page.

Specify an index pattern that matches the name of one or more of your search indices.

Orbita has provided some inbuilt Index patterns. By clicking on any of the index patterns, you can see the list of fields configured in that index pattern with respective datatypes.

Any new fields added to the Index patterns will be reflected in the JSON immediately. However, they will be reflected in the User Interface only after you refresh the page.

Saved Objects

This page is where you can delete saved objects such as saved searches, dashboards, visualizations. Each tab is limited to 100 results. You can use the Search field to find objects that are not in the default list.

It is recommended to modify any objects via their associated applications.

Open Management, and then click Saved Objects.

Advance Settings


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