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Document Title: Orbita Program Registration Solution

Solution Center: V 1.1.0

Creation Date:




  1. After installing the Program Registration solution, click on the Configure Button.

  2. This will open a window as shown below.

  3. You can configure the email subject, disclaimer, body, and so on here.
    The sample code is given below:

    Code Block
        "emailDisclaimer": "<p data-renderer-start-pos=\"75\">The information you provide will only be used by [<em data-renderer-mark=\"true\">Brand</em>], our affiliates, and our service providers, to contact you via phone and email about the [<em data-renderer-mark=\"true\">Brand</em>] Select program and to fulfill your optional requests as indicated below. You may request to be removed from our contact list by using the unsubscribe link in any email we send or by calling 1-888-CELATYNE (1-888-927-XXXX).</p>\n\n<p data-renderer-start-pos=\"455\">Our Privacy Policy [<em data-renderer-mark=\"true\">Link to: privacy policy</em>] further governs the use of the information you provide.</p>\n\n<p data-renderer-start-pos=\"558\">By submitting your information, you agree that you have read, understand, and agree to these terms.</p>\n",
        "emailBody": "<p>Hi,</p>\n\n<p>We invite you to check out our bot and get registered by clicking the below link:</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"__BOT_URL__\">Program Registration</a>.</p>\n\n<p>Thanks.</p>\n",
        "emailSubject": "Invite for Program Registration",
        "ackEmailSubject": "Thank you for registering!",
        "ackEmailBody": "<p>Hi {{msg.payload.firstname}} {{msg.payload.lastname}},</p>\n\n<p>      Thank you for registering to the program.<em data-renderer-mark=\"true\"> </em></p>\n\n<p>Thank you.</p>\n",
        "botUrl": "/oeapi/bot/program-registration",
        "oeEventName": "progregwelcome",
        "debug": false

  4. The user has to add value to the property oeEventName. By default, it will be empty. It is recommended to give "oeEventName": "progregwelcome"

  5. Please change the botUrl with the current project bot URL configured in the Experience Designer.

  6. Change the config settings as required and click Save.


Code Block
<script src="" integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="/oeapi/{{projectId}}/pr.js"></script>
  • Add eventName and key properties in the OrbitaChatBotV3.init function> customData object in the Template node.

Code Block
customData: {
chooseFlow: "",
eventName: "{{eventName}}",
key: "{{&key}}"
  • Add the below code within the <script> tag under <body> element.

Code Block
  eventName: 'beforeSentRequest',
  callbackFunction: function(payload) {
    if (payload.text === 'open') {
      payload.requestData.query.keyoeevent = "{{&keyeventName}}";


    payload.requestData.query.key = "{{&key}}";


  • Add a function node between the BOT IN node and the Bot Provider v2 node and add the below code snippet.

Code Block
if (msg.payload.customData && msg.payload.customData.eventName) {
msg.payload.eventName = msg.payload.customData.eventName;
if (msg.payload.extPayload && msg.payload.extPayload.eventName) {
msg.payload.eventName = msg.payload.extPayload.eventName;
if (msg.payload.customData && msg.payload.customData.key) {
msg.payload.session.key = msg.payload.customData.key;
return msg

If beforeSentRequest is already registered in the existing v3 chatbot, please add the following snippet alone in the callbackFunction

Code Block
if (payload.text === 'open') {
  payload.requestData.query.oeevent = "{{&eventName}}";
payload.requestData.query.key = "{{&key}}";


After the solution installation, you can access the pre-built dashboards from the Project side navigation menu > Report > Dashboards.


  1. Program Registration Dashboard contains PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following metrics visual:

    1. Email link clicked #

    2. Email conversation Rate %

    3. Total Users Registered

    4. Registration Conversion Rate

    5. Age Bar graph

    6. Registration overtime

    7. Location Map

    8. Pie Charts - Notification Preferences

    9. Individual DataTable

  2. Detailed User Responses contains PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following table:

    1. Individual DataTable

  3. Program Registration Dashboard does not contain PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following metrics visual:

    1. Email link clicked #

    2. Email conversion Rate %

    3. Total Users Registered

    4. Registration Conversion Rate

    5. Location Map

    6. Age Bar graph

    7. Registration overtime

    8. Pie Charts:

      1. Notification Preferences
