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Document Title: Orbita Program Registration Solution

Solution Center: V 1.0.0

Creation Date:




Orbita Solution Center offers packaged pre-built experiences. All the solutions have been designed with the goals of improving time-to-value and decreasing implementation time. ( Learn more about Solution Center here: 4.0 Orbita Solution Center

The solution Program Registration provides conversational experiences while getting the users enrolled in the organization’s programs.


Follow this document to send campaign emails for program registration. Campaign API

Integrating chatbot v3

Please follow the chatbot v3 documentation to import the v3 bot Chatbot V3. Alternatively, if there is a v3 bot already set up, we can integrate the Live agent escalation package with the same.

Use the Experience Designer> menu option> Import> Clipboard action to import the v3 bot code into the Experience designer.


Please do the following manual steps:

  • Add the following code in the Function node before the Template node.

    Code Block
    const util = global.get('orbitaUtil');
    msg.projectId = util.getProjectId(node);
    msg.eventName = msg.req.query.oeevent;
    msg.key = msg.req.query.key;
    return msg;
  • Add the below code within the <head> tag of the Template node.

Code Block
<link href="/oeapi/{{projectId}}/pr.css" rel="stylesheet">
  • Add the below code within the <body> tag at the last of the Template node.

Code Block
<script src="" integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="/oeapi/{{projectId}}/pr.js"></script>
  • Add eventName and key properties in the OrbitaChatBotV3.init function> customData object in the Template node.

Code Block
customData: {
chooseFlow: "",
eventName: "{{eventName}}",
key: "{{&key}}"
  • Add the below code within the <script> tag under <body> element.

Code Block
eventName: 'beforeSentRequest',
callbackFunction: function(payload) {
payload.requestData.query.key = "{{&key}}";

If beforeSentRequest is already registered in the existing v3 chatbot, please add only payload.requestData.query.key = "{{&key}}"; (the line 4) in the callbackFunction

  • Add a function node between the BOT IN node and the Bot Provider v2 node and add the below code snippet.

Code Block
if (msg.payload.customData && msg.payload.customData.eventName) {
msg.payload.eventName = msg.payload.customData.eventName;
if (msg.payload.extPayload && msg.payload.extPayload.eventName) {
msg.payload.eventName = msg.payload.extPayload.eventName;
if (msg.payload.customData && msg.payload.customData.key) {
msg.payload.session.key = msg.payload.customData.key;
return msg;

Image Added


After the solution installation, you can access the pre-built dashboards from the Project side navigation menu > Report > Dashboards.


  1. Program Registration Dashboard contains PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following metrics visual:

    1. Email link clicked #

    2. Email conversation Rate %

    3. Total Users Registered

    4. Registration Conversion Rate

    5. Age Bar graph

    6. Registration overtime

    7. Location Map

    8. Pie Charts - Notification Preferences

    9. Individual DataTable

  2. Detailed User Responses contains PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following table:

    1. Individual DataTable

  3. Program Registration Dashboard does not contain PHI (Personal Health Information) and includes the following metrics visual:

    1. Email link clicked #

    2. Email conversion Rate %

    3. Total Users Registered

    4. Registration Conversion Rate

    5. Location Map

    6. Age Bar graph

    7. Registration overtime

    8. Pie Charts:

      1. Notification Preferences


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